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*small warning; cussing, Wilbur lyric references, I ran out of ideas so this is boring and short, very detailed (like pictures and stuff) and this is Wilbur x female reader, sorry :(*

Y/N continued whining and started hitting Wilbur softly while stomping her feet on the ground.

"You really wanna wear those shorts?"

Wilbur said without even thinking about his words.

"Yes, yes I do!!"

Y/N said annoyingly like a small child. Tommy could never compare.

"It's 9 degrees outside. You'll freeze to death, princess."
Wilbur said in a dad tone. Y/N was pissed, but at the same time didn't want to make Wilbur mad. The height difference already scared her enough. She shivered a bit and now knew what Wilbur meant.

"Fine... it's already cold enough in here."

Y/N said while blushing from embarrassment. Wilbur smiled at her and kissed her softly on the lips.

Y/N mumbled. They stopped kissing for a little bit then went back to kissing.


They heard coming from Wilbur's PC. They stopped kissing and then went to check it out. It was Tommy. He heard everything that they were talking about but kept shut.

"I- TOMMY? You're still on the call?!"

Wilbur said, obviously shocked that Tommy didn't leave the call immediately like he usually does. ((this is just a random guess, idk if this really does happen, please don't come @ me.))

"Yes, I hear something going on, I stay in the fucking call. Now stop being all lovey-dovey. Liking or loving women is just we-"

Tommy said before he got cut off by Wilbur, he was pissed. ((I'm sorry too many people are getting cut off 😭😭))

"Oh, so you don't love women? You don't love your mum? You don't love any woman in your life?"

Wilbur said over-protectively. Tommy took it as a chance to try and shine.

"No, I love absolutely no women-"

Tommy said again BEFORE getting cut off. A loud knock came from his door and a voice that said

"You don't love ya mother? I raised you to be a normal child, not a brat that swears every 2 minutes!"

Tommy was mad and stood up then left the room.

"Mum! I'm on a call with my friends!!"

Tommy yelled at his mother from outside of the room. Wilbur and Y/N were crying with laughter.

"Is this happening??"

Y/N said.

"UGH- just, bye-"

Tommy said in a rush and hung up. Both of them heard the discord leave sound.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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