A basic introduction

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My name is Adriana, and this is the story of my life. It doesn't start with a "Once upon a time" and I highly doubt it will have a happily ever after.

Let me start from the beginning.

There was once two men who wanted to change the world for the better. The one man, Akira, wanted people to be smarter, stronger and more resourceful to support the world. The other man, Adair, was wanting to make people stronger and more powerful in their ways to take over the world.

Akira was very intelligent, strong, fast and communicative. Meanwhile, Adair was more intellectual in technical skills, and would like people to avenge their hatreds and defeat their fears. Akira was a martial artist... Adair was a technician.

They both worked with each other and wanted to help the world with its issues, little did they know that they wanted it for different reasons. Utilizing their strengths, they invented a way to mechanically increase peoples intelligence and agility, causing them to have "Supernatural abilities".

They ended up changing themselves - Adair enhanced himself to be strong and powerful. His girlfriend was enhanced to become faster. Akira was enhanced in problem solving and could manipulate things, like peoples perceptions on things. His girlfriend could read peoples minds.

During test runs, they realized they shouldn't work together, they were too different. Akira wanted to allow people to peacefully work together, whilst Adair wanted people to have a controlling way of running things.

Akira had enough of their ungraceful bickering and decided they could not continue. For the next 25 years, Akira had no one but his wife. Then he had given up on the whole "changing the world" thing. Then he decided, why not let him use his machines and powers to help others in smaller ways? Akira, his wife, and soon to be daughter were taking in orphans and helping them by giving them supernatural abilities and raising them to help people.

They did help many people - on many missions as well.

Once their daughter was born, the boys had started to learn what was like to have a "little sister" for once, since there was more guys than girls in the training program. They grew up with her and learned what family was like.

About 18 years later, the orphans had grown up and started going on missions by themselves, and the girl had grown up as well. Unlike the others, she was born with powers, she could read minds - just as her mother once did, before giving birth and losing half their powers. The daughter met a boy with powers too, he had enhanced strength and agility. They had a lot of common interests, other than the powers, so they ended up beginning a relationship.

The boys father had met Akira - only to find that it wasn't actually their first time meeting. Turns out his father was Adair, the man who didn't... approve... of Akira. Eventually, after their children eloped, the son was kicked out of home. With welcoming arms, they welcomed him in.

With their powers and having a lot of time on their hands, they were able to run missions and save many people within the now called agency. Eventually they had 2 children, a boy and a girl. The mother lost her powers and couldn't save anymore people. They eventually decided that if she couldn't do it anymore, she'd just leave the agency. She tried to convince the father that she couldn't continue, and that he still could - he was fully capable after all - but he refused. He said that he couldn't do it without her and that there was no point in doing it solo.

After they left, the brother chose to go with Adair. The sons name was J.D. The sister didn't have a choice, she was a toddler. She was chosen to go with Akira. The daughters name was Adriana.

Yes... Adriana. That's me!

That's pretty much my story. I am practically an orphan because I don't remember my parents - they were never in my life. Other than that - I am a regular junior agent. I have the powers to mind read and I can manipulate situations. I live with a whole bunch of guys - they haven't found a lot of girls lately and after they realized they lose their powers after having children - they don't want so many people having to leave the agency.

Other than that - that's my life so far.

Enjoy the rest of the story.

~ Adri

AdrianaWhere stories live. Discover now