Chapter 1

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*Emily's P.O.V*

The woods I grew to love from this little town fades into a shallow background. This was all so unreal. Less than 72 hours ago I was having the best night with the love of my life and now, I am skipping town faster than I ever thought I would.

I pull out onto the familiar highway and pick up my speed from the original 45mph to the new 65mph. I could not get out of the town quick enough. But thankfully, I am on my way to my hometown. It had been 7 years since I lived there, so I am very sure there is going to be a lot to catch up on.

My high school sweetheart, Darryn and I had moved to a town roughly 3 hours from our hometown for his job opportunity pretty much right after graduation. He was highly sought after for his ability in mechanics and his costumer service charm. So of course, the very supportive woman that I am, I decided I would also uproot my life and change pathways. Throughout the last three years, I have spent most of my time working hard towards my goal of being apart of the human resources world. One day I would like to be able to start my own business of counseling and therapy. All types of course, water therapy, animal therapy, and of course the regular sit down and talk kind.

During this shift in my life, I had been going to school for all the skill sets I will need in order to achieve my plans. This includes the need for a business license. It isn't as nearly as tedious as it sounds, I swear. 

As I allow my speedometer to hit 85 mph down the highway that has 55 mph posted. I round a corner and see a cop ahead of me. Before I pass him, his lights turn on. I step on my brake quickly to pull over as the cop grew closer to my rear bumper. I slowly slide off the road and onto the shoulder when I realize he had gone zipping past me. Relief fills my body and I decide to take a break from driving, after all, I was nearing my hometown. 37 missed calls and 12 texts from Darryn and 3 calls from my mom. I lay the phone back down and sigh, I cannot believe this is my life now.


"Hey babe, can you pass me my phone?" Darryn says once I walk past it. I read the screen just before he snatches it right from my hands. "You can also mind your fucking business." He says with a growl and eyebrows furrowed.

"Who is Sarah?" I ask, before going to grab our plates for dinner.

"I told you, mind your business." Darryn rolls his eyes and looks down at the dinner plate that is sat in front of him. "What the hell? What is this?" His hand waves above the food that I gave him.

"It's meatloaf? You've had my meatloaf a billion times." I roll my eyes and go to my seat.

"Again?" Darryn grunts before getting up from the table and walking off. He turns the corner to enter the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I let out a soft sigh and begin eating alone. This happened a lot more than usual so I just got over it.

After I finished my food, I cleaned up the table. I wrap his meatloaf up before I walk over to do dishes. As I am about to finish, I begin hearing laughter, Darryn's laugh. I dry my hands before slowly making my way towards the bathroom door when I hear him say ' I love you' through to the other person on the other line. I run quietly back to the kitchen and continue dishes. Just as I start the water to wash the last plate, Darryn exits the bathroom but goes to the bedroom before slamming the door. I dry my hands a second time and go down towards the bedroom. I open the door and walk over to my dresser to grab some clean clothes so I can shower and go to bed.

"Wanna join me in the shower?" I ask plainly, and slightly peak over my shoulder so I can see Darryn laying legs crossed in the bed.

"Sure." He places his phone face down before gathering his clothes and following me into the bathroom. I immediately turn the water on all the way to hot and strip to get into the shower. As I step in I feel his cold hand press against my back. I lower my gaze so I'm looking him in the eyes.

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