Unexpected-Chapter 3

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Hellooo I love winter breakkkk!

I'm sick this sucks I've got a throat infection therefore I am writing another chapter :) hehe I just accidentally changed the keyboard on my phone to French and it changed 'am' to 'je' hehehe! Sigh I love Niall :'(...and Harry and Liam and Louis and Zayn :( killing my softly with their words killing meeeeee softlyyyy...


Read onnnnn


I glanced at Riya standing next to me, I don't know how but Tia's mom had managed floor tickets so we were literally an arms length away from Harrys crotch. Hehe get your mind out of the gutter Tina...

Riya looked like she was about to faint.


We flashed the burly bodyguards our VIP tickets and they opened a side door that led through a dark hallway. The last door on the left was open so we slipped through it. Riya was behind me and when I froze she smacked into me knocking me over. I shut my eyes, readying myself for a hard impact, but instead I landed in a pair of muscular arms. The owner of said arms smelled good...random thought but...he smelled reeeeeeally good...heavenly almost. I hesitantly opened my eyes and found myself staring into the deepest, clearest, shiniest, pair of green orbs I had ever seen.

"Ok there love?" his voice husky from singing a billion songs.

"Yep. Totally. Never better." my voice was a good three octaves higher than normal as my brain registered the close proximity between myself and the infamous Harry Styles.

He chuckled as I pulled myself upright.

Riya stood behind me talking to none other than her future husband Zayn so I turned back to Harry.

"Um, thanks by the way..." I weakly smiled at him.

"No problem babe." he grinned.

"Uh I'm Tina, like it says on my ticket...yea Tina..no nicknames cause well what nickname can you get from Tina?" my nervousness was obvious as I tried to make conversation.

He smirked at me, obviously amused, "Lovely to meet you Tina, good to know I can still make pretty ladies fall for me at first sight." He winked as I choked on the water I had just sipped.

I wasn't one to blush easily, thank god for that!

"Hmm odd, you're not blushing?" he frowned, obviously doubting his skills.

"Now now Harry don't doubt your womanizing skills, I just dont blush easily."

He visibly relaxed, "I wasn't doubting my skills, my skills are undoubtable!"

I scoffed, "Sure...I'm gonna go meet the hotter members of your little band, see ya later womanizer."

He glared at me as I crossed to room to join Niall and Liam.


Riyas POV

I watched as Tina fell into Harry, stifling a giggle I turned to Zayn. He had a deep frown on his face.

"Why do you look so down?" I cant believe my voice wasn't shaking...

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't babe!" wow it really is fun to say 'babe', no wonder the British people say it at the end of like every sentence.

"What's it to you?"

I flinched. "Just trying to be friendly..."


I frowned at him, puzzled.

"What's your problem?" Did I just ask Zayn Jawaad Malik what his problem was? Holy crap he's gonna hate me now for sure.

"You're rude." he raised his eyebrow.

"Well it takes one to know one then doesn't it?" I crossed my arms, this wasn't fair, this moment was supposed to be perfect. He was ruining it, why couldn't he just be nice?

He stared at me surprised, "I need to use the loo, bye."

I watched him cross the room and disappear out the door down the dark hallway. Tears prickled in my eye as Louis looked at me questioningly.

"What happened love?" Louis' smile was missing for the first time since I'd seen him.

"Apparently the Bradford Badboy got something up his ass..." I huffed.


I giggled as I watched Louis leap onto the couch and begin to jump up and down.

"Ah what the heck!" I joined him on the couch and soon 4/5ths of one direction, my best friend and I were huddled together on the couch jumping up and down.


That was fun to write :) my friends gonna kill me for making Zayn hate her hehheeh ohhhh weeeellll :D

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