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Leia Grimes had never been described as gentle.

Having grown up with an older brother and going on to become an ER nurse, she was used to the messiness of life. She was no stranger to blood or the atrocities that mankind was capable of, but nothing could prepare her for the end of the world as she knew it.

They had regressed into survival of the fittest - kill or be killed.

Leai would learn very quickly that to be able to live in this world, she would have to be able to survive.

If she was to survive this new world, Leia would have to draw her strength from those she loves and come to understand what is truly important.

I'm not gonna lie, when I first came up with this idea of doing Rick's sister I thought I was being super original, but then on my next search for Daryl fanfics I found a whole bunch with the same relationship that I'd never seen before 🤡

I was in too deep and already too in love with Leia and the relationships I had planned out to change it though so I hope y'all enjoy Aphelion and that it's at least a little different from what you've read before!

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