the one where they meet

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hi everyone this is my first story!! if you have any advice or suggestions please lmk! enjoy

(y/n) was wide awake due to the caffeinated drink she drank so late at night. the time was 12am. she got in her car and drove; she wasn't sure where she would go though. she finally decided to stop at a movie theater. maybe an odd choice of location but her love of film would hopefully tire her out.

surprisingly the movie theater she stopped at was playing one of her favorite movies, My Best Friend's Wedding. she was glad the lighthearted movie was playing even though it has had premiered many years prior. she bought her ticket and entered the theater. even though it was late at night there were still some people in the theater. she sat in her seat and waited for the movie to play. aimlessly scrolling through her phone, a man approached and sat next to her. she briefly looked up to see a dual-colored hair man. they didn't speak but made brief eye contact with one another. she admired his golden eyes but diverted her eyes to what he was holding. a large red icee, a box of chili fries, onigiris, and strawberry pockys?? sitting there somewhat baffled by the odd pairing of food, she turned her attention to the movie that was about to begin. 

her favorite scene was approaching, the scene being, I'll sing a little prayer for you (if you seen the movie you'll probably know what this scene is). she quietly laughed and began to sing along with the main character's best friend. the man next to her noticed her quiet singing and without realizing it started to stare. (y/n) began to notice the eyes on her and began to feel self-conscious. she abruptly stopped singing and the man sitting next to her realized her uncomfortableness. he lets out a quick, low apology.

the movie ends and she abruptly gets up to avoid any awkward interaction with the man sitting next to her.

she arrives at her car and turns on the engine to drive away. she decides to head for the nearest gas station. she finds a 7-eleven so she locks her car and walks in.

(y/n) picks her usual gas station order of a bag of mini kitkats and cheezits also adding a yerba because why not. as she walks to the counter to pay the door opens, (y/n) does not look up so she fails to notice the same dual-haired man walks in. he immediately recognizes her as the woman who sat next to him at the movies. unsure if he should approach her, he continues on into the convenience store. he grabs his favorites gas station items of a bag of Doritos, a KitKat, and an enlightened mint yerba (best flavor). he heads to the cashier stand seeing the women still there asking for a mixed berries puff. he studies her figure, her beautiful (s/c), and (h/l)(h/t). realizing he was staring again, he quickly looks away to avoid a similar situation that occurred in the movie theater.


again feeling eyes on her, she stiffens. not wanting to look back she continues to watch the employee grab her puff for her. after the employee comes back she pulls out her credit card and pays for her items. she begins to walk out of the store but not without slyly looking back to see who was staring at her. she sees a man who looks somewhat familiar. unsure where she knows him from she continues to walk out. standing in front of the convenience store (y/n) takes her puff out of the box. taking a somewhat long hit, she begins to violently cough and lightly chuckles at her inexperience at smoking nic. at that very moment, the dual-haired man walks out. seeing her coughing, he walks over and asks if she is okay using the same phrase he used in the movie theater. she finally is able to place him. she looks up and says she is okay. She then says, "you are the guy who was sitting next to me earlier". he nods not responding verbally. she nods her head as well as attempting to take another hit of the vape, this time succeeding at not coughing. they proceed to stand in silence. "what is your name?", they say at the same time. they both chuckle at the unexpectedness of the timing of their question. but then proceed to say their names at the same time. both looking at each other dumbfounded, (y/n) lets out a hearty laugh. the dual-headed man staring at her entranced in her smile, unknowingly starts to grin. "(y/n), my name is (y/n)", she says. he then says, "my name is bokuto". "nice to meet you, bokuto" "nice to meet you, (y/n)". again standing in silence she sighs and says, "well I think I am going to head out but it was nice meeting you". as she begins to walk away bokuto convinces himself to ask for her number. he frantically asks, "hey um (y/n) I know we like just met but could I have your number if your comfortable?" unsure if she should agree to give her number to a random stranger, she comes up with the idea to give him a fake one. she starts to read random numbers and randomly blurts out without thinking, "you know you kind of look like an owl". bokuto standing there confused at her answer, responds," yeah I get that a lot". she lightly chuckles and says, "well i hope to see you soon owl man" and from that she walks off, sort of feeling bad to give him a fake number.

ahhhhh ok that's the end of the first chapter... I hope it was okay. but again lmk if you have any suggestions, advice, etc!  ALSO, I know bokuto is a bit ooc ill try to fix it in future chapters! so yeah hope you liked it! and sorry if you don't like that (y/n) smoked in this i was just like let me just add for shits and giggles. okay but that's it hope you liked it


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