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Friends give you a shoulder to cry on. But best friends are ready with a shovel to hurt the person that made you cry.

The four residents of the Malfoy Manor were having dinner. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional clinking of forks and knives. While the three blonds were known to be quiet during the dinner, the only brunette in the house was known to be loudest. She was of the opinion having a quiet dinner with family was equivalent to having dinner alone, which was just sad. But today even she was quiet, she knew looking at Lucius Malfoy's face that he was not happy with how the day has progressed, but that didn't mean she was going to loose 100 Galleons just because her uncle was not in a good mood.
"Uncle Lucius, what happened at the Ministry today?" asked Sabrina curiously ,although she knew looking at her Uncle's expression that she had won the bet.
"Nothing surprising. Dumbledore somehow again managed to let Potter get away" Lucius replies all while looking as if he could murder someone and pressing the fork so hard into the table that it broke.
What shocked them was Sabrina smiling which made Draco shaking his head and sigh.
"Why are you smiling Sabrina? Don't tell me you are planning to join his fan club? Narcissa says supporting a look of shock on her face.
"Never Aunt Cissa. I still hate him for freeing Dobby, he was the only one who was good at braiding, and for other thing" Sabrina answered calmly.
It was not only braiding which made Sabrina liked Dobby. Dobby was Sabrina's only friend after Draco left for Hogwarts. He was the only house elf who was not scared of Sabrina because of Ansel. Moreover, she wanted to free him herself.
"Then what makes you so happy Sabrina?" questioned Lucius.
"I just won 100 Galleons. Draco and I made a bet-"
Draco shakes his head and interrupts Sabrina" Was that necessary Sabrina?"
"Just like getting you and the entire slytherin team best brooms wasn't necessary. I'm still remember you loosing the snitch to Harry Potter and that too pathetically- couldn't even stay on the broom until the end of game" Lucius says with anger lacing his voice.
Sabrina stands up and retorted"Stop using lashing out at Draco just because you are frustrated that Harry Potter got away and from what I remember, it was you who forced Draco to be a seeker instead of a chaser- something he actually likes".
Narcissa stands up and keep a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and Draco was shaking his head so to make her stop.
Narcissa knew that the girl hated whenever Lucius lashed out at Draco because Harry Potter had done something.
"I think we are done here" Lucius stands up and starts moving away from the table.
"You want to know Uncle Lucius, why I made this bet? Because Ignorance can be bliss but knowledge is empowering and thinking Harry Potter can be expelled from Hogwarts while Dumbledore is the headmaster is blatant ignorance. He's the Golden Boy. And sorry for lashing out. I should have been calmer" Sabrina concluded.
Lucius nods his head" That means you don't regret what you said"
"You are spending too much time with your grandfather" Lucius expressed.
"You were the one who shipped us to live with him as soon as Draco was back that too without telling me you hair care routine" Sabrina muttered while keeping a smile on her face.
Lucius says nothing just leaves the room with a sigh.
"I didn't irritate him, did I?asked Sabrina with a amused smile.
The next day Lucius wasn't at the table for breakfast which made Sabrina think whether she has made him angry for real this time.
"Do you think Uncle Lucius is mad at me?" Sabrina frowned at Draco when they were sitting in the garden playing chess.
"No, I don't think Father can be angry at you ever even if he wants to you to be" Draco replied moving his pawn.
"I did scream at his yesterday" Sabrina voiced killing his bishop.
"Which wasn't required and even though you did scream at him, you are still his favourite" Draco agrued while giving her dirty look for killing his bishop to which Sabrina only shrugged her shoulders.
"Why does he never gets angry at me?"wondered Sabrina.
Draco looked conflicted at Sabrina's question and after a few minutes of internal monologue decides to tell her the truth.
"You know Father had a sister who died in the first wizarding war. Father only said she died pinning for a bloke who couldn't even bother to comb his hair and spent his time pinning over another" solemnly explained Draco.
"For real?" asked Sabrina shocked
"Yes. He also wanted a daughter who was different than her sister, Strong and Opinionated, and that's what exactly you are. I don't think he can ever be angry at you"
Sabrina was too shocked to reply but she didn't want to be Lucius's daughter because that meant she would be related to Draco. She didn't voice it but finally smiled mischievously.
"Well, if you end up in Hufflepuff, he might be disappointed but not angry" Draco replied in the same mischievously voice.
"Me? A Hufflepuff ? I don't think thats possible. I'm neither kind nor understanding" Sabrina laughed.
"But you are loyal and Father does fear that you may be sorted into Hufflepuff. He did say you are too kind for your own good" Draco argued.
"He said that when I left Ansel near you bed when you were sleeping for the prank you pulled. His exact words were 'Sabrina, my child, you are too kind. You should have left Ansel in his bed, he deserved that for dying your hair blond' " counter- argued Sabrina.
"Says the man who sleeps with spells and locks on his door" muttered Draco.
"In my defence you said you wanted to be a Malfoy and don't remind of waking up and seeing Ansel's fangs as the first thing, I still have nightmares".
Sabrina laughed "I said I wanted to a Malfoy but that doesn't mean I wanted to be Albino and I only didn't not leave Ansel in your bed because I feared you might have an heart attack".
"So very kind of you and being an Albino means you might never have grey hair"
"Grey is beautiful. Grey represents the color of truth, So I'd rather be grey. Moreover, I can be a Malfoy without being an Albino" Sabrina smirked.
Draco just smiled and said "You are one of a kind".
"Yeah I'm"
There banter was interrupted by Narcissa's arrival.
"Kids,your letters have arrived"
Exchanging an excited look with each other, they made a bash towards the dining room where they knew Narcissa would have kept the letters. Without wasting another second, they had opened their letters.

Dear Miss Rios,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

'Finally' was all Sabrina could think.
"Look what else I got" Draco speaks excitedly.
When Sabrina and Narcissa looks at Draco, they see him holding a prefect batch right next to his smiling face. Narcissa smiles happily whereas Sabrina pretends to be shocked but anybody could see her lips pressed together as if to stop herself from smiling.
"Congratulations Draco! Lucius would be very happy, I should owl him to give the good news" Narcissa excitedly moves out of the room to owl Lucius.
Draco looks at Sabrina waiting for her to congratulate him but Sabrina starts reading her course books list and pretends to not notice Draco who was looking expectantly at her.
"What?" Sabrina asks when realizes she can no longer ignore him.
"Stop being rude and hug me. I'm very happy" Draco cheerfully says not at all effected by Sabrina's teasing.
"Okay you oaf and Congratulations!" Sabrina opens her arms for Draco who moves to hug her.
"But I'm really shocked why someone in their right mind would make you a prefect?" Sabrina further adds.
"Just when I thought you couldn't be more rude" Draco mutters" How flattering of you! Who else do you think it could be? Crabbe or Goyle? Those two cannot even read although Goyle did mention he could read in second year but I think he was bluffing".
"Totally bluffing! They are just dumb and dumber. But they could have chosen Theo as well" Sabrina says to tease him.
"Theo spends his time snogging different girls in the broom closet and I'm better in academics as well. I'm always second in year after Granger but lets not talk about that. Who do think is the girl prefect? Daphne or Pansy?" Draco says mischievously knowing it will get to Sabrina since her grandfather and mother were prefects and later went on to become head boy and headgirl respectively.
Sabrina looks annoyed and says"Greengrass and stop annoying me".
"I think its going to be Pansy"
"Wanna bet, Dray? 10 Galleons?"
"Bring it on, Brina"
Just as Draco was about to reply, Narcissa re-enters the room looking serious.
"Sabrina dear, can I talk to you?"
Sabrina only nods her head but makes no movement to move.
"Alone" Narcissa further adds.
Sabrina looks at Draco but he only shrugs his shoulder so as to convey he doesn't know what Narcissa wanted to talk about. Sabrina looks at Narcissa and smiles.
"Okay Aunty" and moves out of the room.

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