The Blue Haired Mystery

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You follow the suspicious looking woman,eventually you end up in a dead end alley way,with no signs of the blue haired woman.
"wait what I thought she was just her" "Why are you following me" the woman with blue hair asked you with a stern voice. "why are you acting so weird" you countered. "That's none of you're guise" "THIS IS THE FBI SURRENDER NOW AND NO ONE GETS HURT"
You watch as she effortlessly Throws daggers at them with a movement so swift you can barely see it happen. While their shooting at her one of them fired at you,she blocks the bullet from hitting you making the bullet hit her shoulder.
we wait what's going on! As she finishes off the rest she turns and looks at you. "You're involved now,come with me I can protect and teach you new things." She puts out her hand for you to take covering her shoulder with the other. "Let me help you and you can help me in turn to." You gently smile at her as she brings you to her base.

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