Chapter 29-Pricked

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It's been over an hour since Olivia went into a room with Nick and It was as if the silence was so loud. Me and Dominic stared at each other back and forth to exchange telepathic thoughts.

As his girlfriend I kind of already learned the things he would say and wouldn't. Just haven't gotten to what he would do

and what he wouldn't.

All of a sudden loud footsteps were coming down the stairs.

It was Nick.

And he was sure mad.

Behind him was Olivia with tears trickling down her cheeks and begging Nick to stop. Before anyone could even ask, he was already out the door. She fell to her knees and started bawling.

What is it with this girl and falling so dramatically?

"I'll go talk to him." Dominic said.

I nodded and went to comfort Olivia.

"He hates me because I didn't want the baby."

"Do you really not want the baby?"

"I'm twe-" She sighed. "I'm eighteen and can't even take care of myself properly."

"I'm willing to adopt that baby." I laughed.

"Seriously Eliza. I have my own medical problems okay? I have asthma and maybe that can affect the baby."

"Well it's your body so you can decide on whichever makes you comfortable."

"That's just the problem...whatever I pick I might end up losing Nick."

"Think about it." I sigh.


The entire day the feeling as if someone were watching me was very clear. When I got home my mother wasn't there and neither was Ramon. Deciding to look around, I went into their room and started snooping.

Ramon didn't have much because he had recently moved here. As I was about to leave a portrait of me was crooked.

Need to have some self respect.

A grey part of it showed from behind so my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to pull the portrait out.

A safe.

Am I like in a movie or something?

Because I've never seen secret safes before. Growing up I only had a piggy bank to put my money in. That itself was rare, considering my mom never actually paid me any allowance.

After about ten times of trying different codes I couldn't open it. From my birthday to hers. Dad's birthday to their wedding day, even the day they met.

I wonder if she even loved him.

The door downstairs opened and I rapidly yet, quietly placed the portrait back up and dashed out of the room. If my room wasn't on the same floor as them I maybe would've gotten caught.

"Eliza?" My mother calls from downstairs.

I quickly changed into a more 'been here for hours' look and layed on the bed.

As she ascends the stairs my heart keeps beating faster and faster. Until in an instant the smell of burnt cinnamon and vanilla flowed through my room.

She was here.

Not later than thirty seconds of staring, she finally left.

But just to be sure I waited an extra minute.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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