byler (imagine)

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(Wills pov)

I really like Mike, but I can't just go up to him and say "hey Mike, you're really hot, wanna date?"

So Dustin and Max are gonna help me. They didn't really tell me what the plan is though, Max just pulled Dustin a side and whispered something in his ear.

I'm currently in my room stressing over how the hell is Max and Dustin going to help me, what if he doesn't like me back? What if this ruins our friendship? What if he hates me after this? I can't help but think of the worst.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Max and Dustin bursting into the room. "GUESS WHO'S GOT A PLAN!!!" Max yelled happily. "What's the plan?" I asked hopeful it might work.

(Max's pov)

-a few hours before-

Me and Dustin had known Will has had a crush on Mike for a while now, we knew it was only a matter of time before Will couldn't take it anymore and would finally just tell Mike he likes him.

Luckily for Will I have a perfect plan.
Mike is going to the mall later to get some icecream, so we'll send Will to go there around the same time as Mike. They'll most likely meet up and just end up getting icecream together. While they're eating their icecream they'll have some alone time to talk. During that time, Will can confess his feelings for Mike.

Fingers crossed Mike feels the same way. If not, me and Dustin will buy a huge tub of icecream and just comfort will for the rest of the night.

(Wills pov)

- present time -

After Max told me the plan I was a little sceptical. What if it doesn't work? Max seemed to know what I was thinking and said "hey, you'll be ok. I'm sure he likes you back." That gave me a little bit of hope so I smiled at her. "Thank you, Dustin and Max, what would I do without you." I said while pulling them into a hug. "Anytime will. Were always glad to help " Dustin said while pulling away slowly. "Yeah no matter what, we'll always have your back." Max said with a smile.

Ok will, do not and I mean do not freak out you'll be fine...right? Oh who am I kidding Max and Dustin's plans always work. I just need to calm down. Mike's an understanding person, so even if he doesn't like me back he would still wanna remain as friends. I hope.

-time skip brought to you by 8757377-

I'm currently in Jonathan's car. He agreed to take me to the mall. Apparently me and Mike are "so oblivious" whatever that means.

I'm glad he supports me, there's not a lot of supporting people in Hawkins. Hopefully in the future more people will be though.

Ok...ok I see him. Stay calm will he's your bestfriend, you shouldn't be nervous. Just act normal.

"Heyyyy Mikey." I called out. Wait no no no no no I did NOT just call him Mikey. "Oh hey will." Mike responded with a smile. "What are you doing here?" Mike asked dumbfounded. Shit will act normal.

"Oh y'know, just getting some icecream."

"Really? I was just about to head there to, would you like to join me?"

"Well yeah, ofcourse."

(At scoops ahoy)

(Robin's pov)

I was currently dealing with no other then Erica Sinclair. I swear to god she is so annoying, but I don't really have any other option then to "follow the company rules" which is complete bullshit by the way. Just when I thought my day couldn't go any worse Steve's children walked in. Only two of them though, Will and I think the other ones name is Mike. I'm not sure though.

"Steveee your children are here." I yelled.

"What? They said they wouldn't be back until Sunday." He yelled from the back room.

"Oh just get your scrawny butt out here and see what they want."


(Mike's pov)

Me and Will walked up to the counter and unsurprisingly Steve was there. "Hey Stevey." Will greeted. What's up with him and adding "y" to the end of people's names today. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Steve replied. "Nothing much just getting some icecream." I said.

Well technically I was telling the truth. Earlier Max and Dustin came over to my house and asked if I had feelings for Will, ofcourse I admitted to it and to my suprise they had a full plan planed out.

I would go to the mall meet up with Will who will also be there, we'll get some icecream together and when were in a conversation i'll just admit my feelings for him. Ofcourse its easier said then done, but I'm feeling confident today.

We got our icecream and sat down. We were just talking about anything and everything. That's what I love about will, when we're around other people he's quite shy, but when it's just me and him we can talk for hours.

I was getting ready to admit my feelings for him, but suddenly a wave of worry washed over me. What if he doesn't like me back? What of he hates me after this? What if I'm not good enough?

Will seemed to notice the sudden nervousness I was getting.

"Hey Mike, are you ok?"

"Wha- um yeah, yup totally just uh.....thinking?" I replied

"You sure? Y'know you can tell me anything right? I'm always listening" He said worryingly.



"Promise you won't hate me after this?" I asked. "Come on Mike, you and I both know I could never hate you." Will got up and sat next to me. I tensed at the sudden position. Ok Mike, you can do this.

"I- uh"

"You what?"

"I- I like you like you, and I understand if you don't like me back cause I mean-"

"Mike." Will said with smile. I looked up at him. "Mhm?"

"I like you too, like like you." I smiled and slowly grabbed his hand. "Really?" I asked. "Really." He answered. "Since 4th gade"

First imagine😛

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