Part 1

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        I wake up to another day of this lifeless society, Where no one is different. Everyone has the same religion, sexuality, and the same of many other things that makes a person unique.  Years ago during the equality war in 2027, people had enough and wanted equality for all no matter your gender identity, race, sexuality, and many other things. The government did not like the chaos pouring out onto the streets so they fought back. The government won and they banned all the things the people where fighting for. They thought they won and now everyone is equal. Because the government won that war everyone is the same and if you are not, you are punished depending on what you did. For example,  they regulate your weight. If you are overweight they force you on a special diet. And if you are not white they send you to this island based on your race. The islands are horrible and most people die with in a month of being there.

        I get ready for school and head off to meet my friends to catch the bus. When i arrive Lynn is already waiting there for me. "Hey Lynn." i say as a approach the bus stop. " Hey Elora!" says Lynn excitingly.  Lynn is a tall girl with black hair and bright blue eyes. She has been my friend ever since we were 3. I get a strange feeling when i'm around her that i can't quite explain. Carl slowly walks to the bus stop as Lynn and i chat. "Hi guys" says Carl half asleep. Carl is a short brown haired kid with brown eyes. He is the third and final member of our friend group. The school bus finally shows up and all three of us get on and sit towards the back. It looks like any other school bus but the seats can only hold one person each. Carl, Lynn and i sit near each other and talk until we arrive at school. The morning classes are normal classes like math and reading but the afternoon classes are a bit different than they used to be before the equality war. The first afternoon class is all about Christianity, the only legal religion that the government allows. Then the second afternoon class is all about what it was like before the government banned all minorities. School goes as usual until our second afternoon class. 

       All of us walk into class ans sit in our assigned seats. The teacher then begins going over all of the things banned by the government and the punishment. Most kids are just listening and taking notes but i am dumbfounded. " i can't believe they treat people this way just because they are different" i thought to myself. The teacher goes on and i just sit there wondering why the government would do this to people. I raise my hand and the teacher asks, " whats your question Elora." I clear my throat and begin to talk," Why does the government treat these people so horribly for just being different?" The teacher responded," Because they are wrong with their beliefs." I responded, " but what about the people sent to islands because of their race? they did nothing wrong. they can't control what skin they were born wit-" the teacher interrupted me and said," enough. see me after class." then she continued on with the lesson.

       The class ends and i stay in my seat as i see everyone else walks out and go to there lockers. The teacher walks up to the door and shuts it, and then sits down in the desk next to me. I get nervous and shaky as i don't want to get in trouble. " Elora. Your behavior today was unacceptable. you better not do anything like that again or else you will be in big trouble missy." the teacher said in a stern voice. I look down at the floor and begin to speak. "but, it's not right! People are being sent to death traps for their skin, or being put in mentally damaging therapy for there love intres-". " ENOUGH! If you don't obey the rules then face the consequences. Get out and go home." I walk out of the class almost in tears and get my stuff. I go walk with my friends to the bus. We talk and hangout until everyone gets dropped off. As soon i get up to my room after greeting my parents and eating dinner, i start bawling my eyes out. " this isn't fair! why does the government have to be this way. ITS TORTURE!" i think to myself as i slowly drift off to sleep.

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