welcome to the shit show: my introduction

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I don't know. My life kind of sucks. But I'm still alive, so that's a plus! I honestly don't know how I've managed to still be alive and breathing. Correction. Physically alive. Emotionally, and mentally- well that's a completely different story. I should probably go see a therapist or something, but I don't have the money. And who even needs a therapist when you have super powers!

Oh, yeah. I should probably mention; I'm a superhero. Or some type of classification of a superhero. And before you ask- no. I'm not one of those guys that you see on T.V, fighting evil, protecting citizens. I'm nothing like that. I mean I'm not the bad guy, but I wouldn't call myself the good guy. I mean, I want to be 'good', whatever that means. But I'm not. So deal with it. 

I've gone through a lot of messed up shit. Everyone I love either leaves me, or drops dead like a fly. Fun, right! In all seriousness, I kind of hate my life. No, not 'kind of'. I do, I do hate my life. But whatcha gonna do about it?

You're probably thinking, "OMG! She has superpowers?! Like she can move stuff around with her mind and fly?? Does she know Spider Man? Wait- can she set me up with him?!"

The answers are: Yeah, I have superpowers, no- but that would be awesome-, again no-never met the dude in my life-, and lastly: no. 

If you really wanted to know, I have a few special abilities. First of all, I'm just naturally gorgeous...

I'm kidding. Did you just see how gullible you were? That's the first tip I'm gonna give you- Never trust anyone. Never believe anything. That's crucial. If I trusted even one person throughout the journey of my life, I'd be dead. And remember I told you- I'm not physically dead yet. 

Ok, back to the point. My powers. I'm not entirely sure how to say this. I'm a shapeshifter. 

God, that sounds pathetic. You'll find out more about my backstory later, I'm not entirely ready to give you that information yet. But yeah, I can shift shapes. Well, not shapes. I can turn into an animal, I guess. 

I can be running, and then just turn into a lion and scare people. It's actually really funny to see them scramble and run for their lives. But I don't bite. Most of the time. 

So yeah, I can turn into any animal I want to, whenever I want to. Like any animal. And then when I turn into them, I can do anything that animal can do. Example: I'm a 'human' walking down the street. But I'm a little bored, so let's spice things up a bit. I want to go for a.. fly. You heard me right, a fly. No, not a jog, or a run, a fly. Let's turn into an owl. It's like there's a switch in the back of my head that I flip, and I feel myself twist into a white, snowy owl. Like in Harry Potter. But the coolest thing is- I can hear a block away. And see a block away. Just like an owl. 

Yep. Those are my powers. But I swear they're actually really cool! And I can turn into like a shark, only if I'm underwater though, and a panther, or my personal favorite- a fox. I was basically raised as a fox, and it's easiest to turn into one. When I'm stressed, or angry, or not knowing how to deal with my emotions, I turn into a fox. It really helps me. Again- probably not the best way to deal with childhood trauma. 

That's not all, though. Even when I'm just a normal human, I can see way better than you can, hear way better than you can, and my taste and touch are enhanced. It's pretty awesome. But it can also suck. Hearing things you don't want to...and I mean some weird things. 

There's a lot more that you'll find out about me, but that's for later. I like to keep you on your toes. I like knowing more than everybody else does. Oh, there's another one- tip number two.  Be prepared to not know what's going on, or what's gonna happen. Because in this world, that happens a lot. 

So that's why you'll have to wait to find out my past, my powers, and my future. I have to wait to find out my future too, so don't worry, we're together on that. But you should know why I'm telling you all this. 

I think I'm gonna die. Like I said, I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't happened yet. So every corner I turn, I listen. Ever room I step into, I scan. I'm always on my guard, and you should be too. People are after me, bad people. The type of people in movies that everyone's scared of. Like the mafia. 

But, I don't want to make this story depressing! So let's take a a quick intermission before we begin again. That's right, go get some water, maybe put on some music. Check your Instagram, Snapchat, whatever you need to do. Go kiss your Harry Styles poster. 

Ok, ready?

Let's rewind a bit. Maybe I will tell you a bit about my childhood. Let's go open a history book, and open up to the 1962s category. Hopefully, that chapter of the book will explain all about mutants, and the people that call themselves the "X-Men". If it doesn't, then I guess I'll give you a quick summary. 

Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became besties. After a lot of turmoil, though. They got together this little group of mutants, and became a team! Awesome, right? You're probably thinking, "Ok, if this girl can't hook me up with Spider Man, why am I still here? And why is she telling me this? It's not the 60s." And you're right, it's not the 60s. But this is important. 

This group they formed, later changed everything. Mutants became common, it was normal to see them in the streets. This wasn't the case before. A lot of crap went down. Moral of the story: They weren't besties for a while. But then after many years, they rejoiced, opened up this school for mutants, and everything was perfect! Not for long. 

After a little, mutants became endangered. What I mean is that there were only a few left. Everyone thought they went extinct, that would have been the only logical explanation. The school shut down, and you no longer saw them on the streets. The mutants were gone. 


Here, let me introduce myself again. Hi, I'm a mutant. Mhm, you heard me correctly. I'm. A. Mutant. I thought I was the only one, but I'm not. I'm one of the only ones. You know your beloved 'Wanda Maximoff'? Yeah, she's one too. You're probably saying, "Silly you! No, Wanda is not a mutant. She got her powers from the mind stone!"

No, no she did not. She's like me, but maybe a bit more powerful. Yeah, she's more powerful. But I still have some pretty cool powers! But don't go telling all your friends that I'm a mutant, because I would be an outcast if anyone knew. So I'm trusting you with my secret, which is stupid, I know. 

Moving on, I was born. November 11, 2005, on a cold snowy night. I know, I'm pretty young! But if there's one thing I know, I do not look fourteen. I can look old enough that people take me seriously. Anyways, I was born in Stalingrad, Russia. (Wow, I am telling you a lot more than I expected!) I had a Mom and Dad, who hated me. So I basically didn't have parents. Some fucked up shit happens, I get in some messy situations, discover my powers, involuntarily enhance my powers (yep you heard me right), and end up a refugee and homeless. Whelp. Stay in school kids. 

Flash forward to a few years ago -8 years to be specific- Tony Stark created the famous Iron Man suit. Now he's famous, and he has this group of little heroes running around, saving people. I want to be one of his little heroes. I have these stupid powers and I want to do something with them, or I think I'm gonna lose my mind. So, I'm gonna sneak into his house and force him to let me join the Avengers. 

Now, mind you, I've done some shitty stuff in my past. But, we're just gonna act like none of that never happened! We aren't gonna tell anyone anything. Zip. Zero. Nada. Because I need to belong to something, to someone, so if I have to, I'll lie, I've done it plenty of times before. 

And now that I have finally introduced myself, and you've gotten to know me a little bit, I'm gonna take you on this journey. Sorry about that, btw. So now, I'm standing outside of this huge ass house, and not gonna lie- I'm a little scared. I mean, anyone would be scared standing out of Stark Tower. 

It's dark out, the moon is bright. Waves are crashing next to me. Some type of insect is buzzing. Wind is messing up my hair. (I promise I'll work on my literature.)

Let's blow this popsicle stand. 

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! My beautiful, Russian, malevolent name is: Katya Alianovna Romanova. 

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