Chapter 1

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Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?

If you do, I'd advise you not to read. I don't want to ruin your thoughts and beliefs on them. But if you don't, maybe you should keep reading. You'll know more things than any mere human. More than I should have known.


I heard my father calling for me downstairs, and I rolled my eyes while groaning softly. I crawled off my small, twin sized bed, slamming my laptop closed. "Coming!" I called, jogging to my door and swinging it open. I could have sworn the old wooden thing was going to attempt to fall off its hinges and crush me.

My house is not very well-kept. My dad and I are on a low budget and, at the moment, can't afford any good home. The doors are chipping practically into splinters, the window shutters are crooked and creaky, the paint is peeling off the walls, and the floors are squeaky and withered. I made my way down the steps, keeping my feet pressure soft for fear that the wood would give out under me. The stairs lead straight to the kitchen, where Dad usually stayed. Just like normal, Dad was cooped up on his tablet, surrounded by infinite plugs and outlets. No wonder we were low on money.

"What do you want, Joshua?" I asked, purposely calling him by his first name. He hated when I called him anything other than 'Dad', but today, he didn't seem affected by it. 

"Go get the charger from the living room, dear," he replied in monotone, his eyes flashing to me for only a short moment. My dad is a tall man, kinda skinny with a 5 o' clock shadow and shaggy black hair. His eyes were a misty grey color and he constantly looked tired. I think he may be depressed. He's been depressed ever since my mother left us. I was only about 4 when she left, and all I remember is her warm smile. I inherited a lot of things from her. I inherited her blonde, almost white hair, her green eyes, her singing voice, and even her curiosity. But I inherited my dad's tan skin, tech smarts, and drawing skills.

I only shrugged at his request, humming some new song by Duchess Gaga or whatever her name is. I retrieved the plug he wanted and returned back to him. He nodded, standing for a quick moment to shove the plug roughly into an outlet. While he was up, I glanced at what was on his tablet. He seemed to be looking up something about Heaven, "Don't look at that." He orders me as he sat back down.

"What is that?" I pointed to the screen. It was a simple cloth, looking tinted yellow and shiny. "It's a 'Golden Fleece'. It was created by angels and God Himself to be a symbol of purity." He sounded pretty confident with that answer. "Isn't that what Mom wanted--?"

"Nemesis Redheart."

I knew I had done something wrong when he called my full name. Mom was a sensitive topic.


"You know we don't talk about your mother."


He sighed, shaking his head, "No, it's fine." 

I nodded, not wanting to make anything big out of the whole situation. "I.. Have to get ready for school." I turned, running up the stairs once more, this time not caring if they broke underneath me.

I = AkumaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя