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So basically in this story Karl, Sapnap, Dream, and George are all roommates.

    Chapter 1: Restaurant
"We're here." Dream says stoping the car.
"Ohhhh! It's so fancy!" Karl says pushing his face against the glass.
"Yup, Dream, Sapnap, and I saved up for a long time to afford this." George says unbuckling his seatbelt.
"So you guys are really okay with me living with you guys..?" Karl's says looking down at his feet.
"Of course! You needed a place to go anyways, and we're your best friends!" Sapnap said wrapping his arm around Karl's shoulder.
"Okay, thanks." Karl says blushing a little.
George and Karl go inside to check everything out while Dream and Sapnap get some boxes out of the car. George and Karl go upstairs to look at their rooms. When they walked upstairs they realized there were only two bedrooms.
"Wait there are only two bedrooms?" Karl says looking at George.
"I guess so, oh well. I mean Dream and I are dating so we will take one bedroom and you and Sapnap can take the other." George says smiling.
"I guess so.." Karl says looking with his hands fidgeting and his face a bright red.
"So are you guys gonna just gonna relax while we take out all of the boxes?" Dream asks chuckling.
"Oh no, I'm sorry I will co-" Karl says before getting cut off. "Yeah it's a lot of work being pretty and Karl and I are tired." George says giggling.
"Im not very pretty but okay...." Karl whispers to himself.
"Did you say something Karl?" George asks look at Karl.
"Oh no, sorry!" Karl says running downstairs to help Dream and Sapnap.
"Aw Karl come on! Come up here are relax!" George yelled from the top of the stairs.
"No it's ok! I'm not that tired-" Karl says before tripping over his own feet.
"Ow!" Karl yells.
"Oh my god! Karl are you okay?" George asks running down the stairs.
"Y-Yeah, just tripped is all." Karl says as he starts to get up, but right when he did he fell right back down to the floor.
"Karl your ankle! It looks sprained!" George says as he sits down next to Karl on the floor.
Sapnap then rushed into the house with a bandage and ice. Sapnap had been training to be a doctor for 2 years before he quit do to stress. Sapnap then wrapped the bandage around Karl's ankle.
"Does it hurt?" Sapnap said looking at Karl.
"N-No really I'm fine!" Karl says struggling to get on his feet. Sapnap then picks up Karl and takes him upstairs. Sapnap goes into the first room he sees and lays Karl down on the bed, Sapnap gives Karl the ice pack and walks out of the room closing the door behind him.
"Way to go Karl you just embarrassed yourself infront of your crush!" Karl says to himself.

A couple hours later

Karl hears a knock at his door.
"Come in!" Karl says.
Sapnap walks in with a pair of crutches for Karl.
"I got you some crutches so your can walk around." Sapnap says smiling at Karl.
"Thanks Sappy- I mean Sapnap!" Karl says.
"Sappy?" Sapnap says smiling with an eyebrow raised at Karl.
"I meant Sapnap!" Karl says looking at the ground with his face bright red.
"No it's ok, I like that nickname." Sapnap says chuckling.
"You do?" Karl says lifting his head up to look at Sapnap.
"Yeah, anyways Dream, George, and I were planing to go out to dinner and we were wondering if you wanted to come."Sapnap says putting the crutches on the side of Karl's bed.
"Um, sure." Karl says grabbing the crutches.
"Great! I'll let you get changed!" Sapnap says before walking out of the room. Karl uses the crutches to get to a box that George had brand up earlier, it was filled with Karl's clothes. Karl picked out light blue shirt with a black hoodie on top of it. Karl looked everywhere inside the boxes but he couldn't find any pants, the only thing he could fine were very short shorts. "Oh well, I guess." Karl says grabbing the clothes then returning to the bed. Karl got changed and went down stairs.
"Woah Karl who are you trying to impress?" George says laughing.
"No one! I just couldn't find any pants..or longer shorts.." Karl says looking away blushing.
"Oh yeah sorry about that there was a lot of traffic by the time the truck was supposed to be here so it won't be here till tomorrow." Dream says.
"Oh it's ok!" Karl says smiling.

When they got to the restaurant

Karl and George were sitting on one side of the table while Dream and Sapnap were on the other side. Dream, Sapnap, and George were all talking about summer that was in a few weeks, meanwhile Karl was starting down at his phone scrolling through Tiktok.
"What can I get-" The waitress started saying before getting cut off by Karl gasping.
"I'm sorry! You scared me." Karl said looking down at his feet.
"Whatever, anyways what drink would you like, sir?" The waitress asked Sapnap.
"Um can I get a strawberry lemonade please." Sapnap asked looking at the waitress.
"Of course, and for you sir?" The waitress asked looking at Dream.
"I'll take 2 sprites please." Dream says while holding George's hand.
"Alright! And for you...sir." The waitress asked looking at Karl.
"I'll take a coke.." Karl whispered.
"Sir I can't hear you." The waitress said looking at Karl.
"I-I'll take a coke." Karl whispered again.
"SIR SPEAK THE FUCK UP I CANT HEAR YOU!" The waitress yelled. Karl had abusive parents so he never really liked yelling. Karl froze, he couldn't say anything.
"I-I" Was all Karl could say. The waitress slammed her hand on the table. "SIR WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" The waitress yelled at Karl.
"Hey stop yelling at him!" Sapnap said standing up from his seat.
At this point Karl is shaking, he is remembering everything that his parents did to him. Karl couldn't hear all of the yelling that was happening in the background.

"YOU STUPID CHILD!" Karls dad yelled as he slapped Karl. Karl looked up at his dad with fear in his eyes. Karl got up and ran his room, he locked the door and went into the crawl space that he thought his dad didn't know of. Karl covered his mouth with his hands as he heard his dad yelling at him to open the door. "OPEN THE DOOR YOU LITTLE SHIT! OPEN IT NOW OR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Karl's dad yelling while twisting the door knob. Karl's dad then started to break down the door, Karl was beyond scared. Karl then heard the door fall on the ground and Karl started to hold his breath so then he wouldn't scream. Karl closed his eyes and when he opened them his dad was in front of him with a belt in hand. Karl tried to run out but his dad grabbed his hair and pulled him back. Karl was screaming and crying. His dad raised his hand and started beating Karl while still holding his hair. Karl grabbed his father's wrist and tried to make him let go. It didn't work and Karl's dad just beat him more and more.

"STOP!" Karl yelled with tears in his eyes, he grabbed Sapnap's wrist and started to drag him out of the restaurant Dream and George followed behind them.

When they got home

When they got home Karl went upstairs and locked himself inside of his and Sapnap's room.

I am so sorry if this didn't turn out so good, this is my first story

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