so im....

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The thing with Vinnie never stopped. I haven't talk to Avani Ever since she saw us last at school. Larry and nai started to question what the bruises were from because my dad was recently put back in jail. Then they connect the dots. It was a big sad group session we all had together which resulted in us watching movies cuddling on the bed and eating popcorn. I ended things with Vinny and now I just have to fix things with avani because she was a really good friend and I miss her she made me feel a way.

I see Avani in the hallway and I run up to her "v hey can we talk for a second please" I grabbed her arm stopping her from walking with her new friends." What do you want" she said with sass in her voice. "I just wanna talk to you about what's happening" I give her sorrow eyes "sure whatever" I don't let go of her arm and I lead her to the bleachers OK the famous soccer bleachers that we always use. "I'm sorry V when that thing happened between you and I I didn't know how to react. You made me feel a certain way I haven't before  and it scared me because my parents are homophobic and I didn't know if I was bisexual or not. I'm still questioning but I think I am. And because of you I realize that. Vinny wasn't the best during our relationship these last few weeks he put some hands on me and I thought you should know please don't go over reacting about it. I took care of it but I wanted to see if you were able to think about what happened and I am very sorry for what I did but I miss you and I was hoping we could become friends again and maybe sooner or later when I figure out what my sexuality is  maybe we can become more" I grab a hold of her hand and lick her deep in the eyes. "I would like that a lot y/n But I don't want to be anything more than friends if you're not sure what your sexuality is because I can't get hurt again by straight girl that doesn't know whether she likes me or not. But I would be more than happy to become friends with you again". Me and Avani hung out with Larry Charlie Addison Dixie nai Nessa  and Jaden For the rest of the day we went to the skate park all of us.

" We should all have a sleepover tonight" NEssa said out of nowhere. " That would be an amazing idea" Jaden  said "My mom is out of town and I mean my dad's not around obviously we can all sleep at my house tonight I got a king size bed" I said if the idea was for real or not because who knows what kind of plans we got coming for us. " me and Charlie can't we have to go home and have dinner with our mom and dad  for a YouTube video" Dixie said "yeah I'm sorry y/n" charli said "it's cool guys" I shrug it off "anybody else want to come over besides Jaden  and Nessa " I asked " can't tonight" "sorry Rayvon needed me for a YouTube video " "Bryce wants to go on a date" nai  and Larray and Addison said "I'm free" Avani said " cool sounds like a plan". I pick up my skate board and head to my car with nessa v and Jaden.

"Guys we have to stop at target" I say as I look back at the group "please tell me you're not on your period I don't wanna wake up with blood next to me" J. said "ewwwwwww why-  Jay what the fuck" I laugh at him. "Bro wtf" Nessa laughs "Well let me guess you don't have any snacks or anything at home". Avani says stating the obvious. "Already know everything about me I see." I wink at her. We all start driving well I start driving to target. We get there we walk in and get our all of our supplies. We decided to get a cake because why not well cake batter so we could bake the cake but yeah you get it. Then we head back to my house.

We walk in and put everything down "I'm gonna go bake this cake like the Wonderful baker I am "Jaden😌🤘🏼✨ said as he continued to walk to the kitchen "no you are not the last time you try to back  in my house almost burn it down "i scream at him and continue to chase after him "well y'all can sit back and observe while I make this cake bomb as fuck" Nessa model  walks to the kitchen with her sass with avani following. We put the cake in the oven after we mixed in all the ingredients. We walked into my living room and sat down me and avani on one side and Nessa in the middle and Jaden on the other. Halfway through the movie nessa  points outt she smelled something burning. "THE CAKE". Oh I run into the kitchen with the other ones following behind a open the oven and smoke comes out. I turn off the oven and put on oven mitts and pull the cake out "what the fuck why is it so hot" I say taking off the mitts. " well that's one black solid rock" Avani says . "Hey jaden didn't you say you had baking skills." Nessa ask at him "Hey I'm a good baker I'm sure it would it taste delicious but I never said I was good at remembering time geez" he comments back "it's not a big deal but now we have no cake" I frown " it's ok luvv i'll just post mates us each a slice from some restaurant"  Avanis says  as she pulls  out her phone. We are going to sit back on the couch until our Postmates gets here. We the cake finish the movie and all fall asleep cuddling well me and  avani Nessa and Jaden just laid by themselves.

The new girl~ avani gregg short storyWhere stories live. Discover now