Chapter 7: Hiccup

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Hiccup was thrilled to see the edge of DunBroch. They had been traveling at top speed (several hundred miles per hour) for a few hours, so everyone had to go below deck. But the ship needed to be refueled, so they were slowing temporarily so Kristoff could access the fuel port. It was an interesting contraption, mostly powered by magic. There was no need for oars, masts, and rudders, really. It was just added for decorative purposes.

Merida's family ruled over this kingdom of sheer cliffs and icy mountains. Of deep forests and rippling streams. DunBroch was the ruling province of all the Viking kingdoms. MacGuffin, Berk, everyone answered to Merida's family, rulers of the leading clan. 

"I can't wait to see Stormfly," Astrid said, coming next to him.

The two of them leaning over the railing, side by side, watching the scenery as they flew past.

Hiccup hoped he wasn't blushing at the close proximity. Ever since they were fourteen, he had a crush on Astrid. He wasn't sure if she knew it though.

Say something witty, he told himself.

"Um, so have you ever been to DunBroch before?" he heard himself ask.

"Once," Astrid answered. "School field trip, remember? We all went."

"Oh yeah," Hiccup mentally kicked himself.

"Anyway, there's something we need to talk about," Astrid adjusted the hood of her jacket. She had ripped tights, a plaid skirt, and a parka on to protect against the wind. She looked great, really.

In comparison, Hiccup was in week-old jeans and a hoodie and hadn't brushed his hair in four days. He probably looked like he had just rolled out of bed.

"Okay. What is it?" Hiccup asked a tad nervously.

"A week or so ago, you and I were—" Astrid started.

Hiccup had vivid memories of his last day in Berk before departing for Skyara. He'd kissed Astrid on the lips in front of everyone, including their families. And then, she called him her boyfriend. By the next day, he had convinced himself he dreamed it.

Apparently, that wasn't the case.

Red-faced and stammering, Hiccup interrupted, "Yeah. I was there."

Astrid made a noncommittal noise. She was totally unruffled by what had happened.

"So," Astrid tapped the wooden rail. "I want to know if we're dating."

"Uh," Hiccup was at a loss for words. Astrid wanted to date him?

"You look like you've never heard the word 'date' before. We're sixteen, Hiccup," Astrid nudged his shoulder.

"No, no," Hiccup could feel the filter on his words disappearing. "I know what dating means. And, I really like you, uh, like not as a friend. But, you know the other way. Um, never mind. My point it that I would really like to be your boyf—"

He was cut off when the skyship lurched violently and the pair of them were nearly sent flying across the deck.

"Turbulence!" Kristoff shouted. "Seats everyone!"

Elsa and Jack were already scrambling for the seats on the lower deck, strapping themselves in. Astrid and Hiccup followed suit.

The skyship lurched violently through the air. Hiccup held on to his harness for dear life.

When the wind died down, and the skyship was once again chugging smoothly through the air, Hiccup turned back to Astrid.

"Maybe we shouldn't date quite yet," Astrid said rather bluntly.

Hiccup felt crushed. "I—"

"Don't take it the wrong way. I want to be your girlfriend, but maybe we should survive this trip and save the world first. You know, get our priorities in order. But after this, I would be totally open for a date."

"Really?" Hiccup thought he might start floating right then and there.

"Yup. We could go get dinner or take a walk through the city."

Hiccup looked down at Astrid. She had a few faint freckles smattered across the bridge of her nose. He leaned down, ever so slightly.

"Problem!" Kristoff burst into the room. "Where's Elsa and Jack?"

"Right behind you," Jack shouted as he and Elsa sprinted into the room.

"What's wrong?" Elsa demanded, her white blonde hair was pulled into a braid. Her blue eyes were fierce and stark. Like ice.

"The rough patch damaged the ship. There's a leak. We're losing elevation, slowly but steadily," Kristoff answered. "In a hour, we'll be stranded in the middle of DunBroch."

"I can't even do a weekend trip right," Hiccup heard Jack mutter.

"Can you fix it?" Elsa didn't look even the slightest bit nervous. Hiccup remembered when they had first met, she would jump at every little noise. She looked grounded now, almost queen-like.

"Not without the proper tools," Kristoff responded.

"We'll be sitting ducks," Astrid chimed in. "The Night Mares are probably still looking for us."

"Oh," Jack said. "Frick."

Elsa's eyes lit up. 

Jack turned to her, eyes wide. "That's brilliant, Snowflake!"

"But she hasn't said anything?" Kristoff looked confused.

"They're telepathic," Hiccup answered. "They sort of communicate without talking."

"What kinds of tools do you need?" she asked Kristoff. "Jack and I can make them for you."

Kristoff gaped. "Um, what?"

She wiggled her fingers and a screwdriver appeared, perfectly proportioned and made of solid, glistening ice.

Elsa grinned triumphantly as she extended the screwdriver to Kristoff. "What else?"

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