Who am I?

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 Who am I, what is my purpose in life, or why am I here? Many have thought of this. Yes, who are you? Why are you here, what is your purpose in life? As the world caves in little by little every day, it pushes all of us to continue on with life with or without knowing who we truly are. Have you heard the phrase "The world is passing you by"? The meaning of that phrase is, your not doing anything to change your life, you're stationary. Have you overthought the idea of why your here? Maybe what is your calling in life? What should you do once your older and what you'll do after your all grown up? 

 Life is scary. We all know that. Everyone is diverse and new to you. Is the purpose in life simply getting a stable job and fend for your new family? You can have all of that and still ask yourself who you are. Many think this during Middle school. Most commonly in gender. "Who do I like" "Why do I like such girly/boy stuff?", " Do I have a crush on them/her/him?" It's confusing, right? It takes lots of thinking and common sense to know what YOU want and ONLY you, no one else. Finding yourself can be as simple as finding what fashion style fits you the best and which makes you the happiest. You don't need anyone's help to find yourself, not even your parents will understand the REAL you.

  You feel like there's a huge empty hole in you. Feeling like you're missing something... or someone? You're still confused about who you really are, you find a job you love doing but still feel so... empty. You find the thing you like and like to do but still feel like there's something missing. You want change, but does change want you? Can you handle change? Sometimes when trying to find yourself you fall into depression because you're anxious about not finding that missing part. Who can help and how? Finding yourself does not require your parents, friends, nor even your priest. Change starts with you and when you're ready. It may take days, years, and even decades just to find yourself. You're like "Mika have you found yourself? Why are you telling me this when you haven't found yourself yet." and you're correct, I haven't found myself yet. I'm still wandering around just like you. But this short story isn't about me. The main character in my books is you, the reader. 

  You may think "Nothing I do is ever good enough, I'm lost in life." don't think that, it may be true because face it, it's reality. Not everyone is going to be perfect, it's not your fault. Trust me some things you do, you might suck at it but you have to turn away and be the bigger person. 

 Are you here to know how to find yourself or some boost on how to? Well, I don't have any easy way out of that but I do have some advice I would love you to follow that might help you:

Don't ignore the red flags, if you see a red flag on someone or somewhere you turn your back because negative energy will push you back. You'll find yourself when you're ready.  You might never find yourself but instead, feel like you do and when that time comes you'll be at your happiest. If you think your lover can help you find yourself then believe it, manifest it. It's going to cost you lots of sacrifices like cutting off friendships and etc. To find yourself you will get through challenges that will try to tear you down. Do what you love and achieve every goal you ever wanted to accomplish only for good intentions though. Lastly, school isn't always the option for a better future and a better you. 

I hope you think through this carefully and I hope you're doing great, I love you.

- your new friend.  

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