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In the village hidden in the leaves a festival was ongoing. There was stalls of food and games. Villagers laughed and sang along with the ninja. All things were good, except there was a group of villagers and some ninja huddled into a alley. "100 yen fee, come stab the demon fox that ruined your life 5 years ago" a villager chanted and other people gave money to him. "This is for my daughter and this is for my wife" a villager stabbed a kunai into a 5 year old with blond hair.

The kid was a bloody mess, he was hung by his wrist and they tied his feet together. Underneath him was a pool of his own blood. "Plea..please stop, what did I do" he pleaded with them but only met more stabbing. An hour passed and he couldn't feel anything anymore he has been stabbed so many times he himself thinks he's a monster. "Do you want revenge, do you want to ravage them, my host I can give you power just accept me" a voice thundered into his head. He thought about for a couple of minutes until a drunk man came and gave the villager a 100 yen and pulled out a rust knife and plunged into his stomach multiple times.

After he got angry for Naruto not crying out in pain and plunged the knives into his right eye and Naruto howled in pain 'please, do something The old man told me to love the villagers but I just can't, I accept you" as he was thinking that the man stabbed his left eye. As Naruto and in pain again his restraints snapped and malicious chakra spiked out of him. Naruto went limp and fell on the hard cold ground. The man holding the knife and the one who was carrying a bag of money looked at the blond weird until he disappeared and reappeared at the end of the alley way. "So much power, I can feel people's chakra, I can smell them" he opened his eyes to see two cat like pupils. "I can see you" he looked at the two men and they tried to run but after one step both of there heads were in Naruto's hand dripping with blood. "Yes just like that life is so fleeting, but it feels so good to take away" he walked towards a mass of chakra which was towards the festival whistling it's a small world.

Hokage tower 5 minutes earlier

Hiruzen was sipping tea and relaxing wondering why a yellow haired kid wasn't busting through his door right about know. When he looked over at the Hokage pictures and sighed. "Minato must be turning over in his grave about know he wanted Naruto to be seen as a hero of the village and know he is now the monster of the village" he sipped his tea again and then he dropped his cup and looked towards the village. 'that was the kyubi chakra' "Anbu find Naruto NOW!!" As he said that shadows ran out the room and disappeared into the night to find Naruto

In the festival

Naruto walked slowly but steadily towards the hustle and bustle of the festival. As he was about to walk out of the side street into the festival. A chain wrapped around his waist and tugged him back stopping him. He tried to resist but two more chains wrapped around his legs. As he got reeled in. He tried to grasp on things but to no avail. When he stopped moving he was surrounded by masked anbu. "Uzumaki Naruto, stand down and sit down on the ground or we will have to use force." As they said this Naruto sat down on the ground. The moment the anbu relaxed Naruto pulled on a chain with inhuman strength and skewered one anbu with his claw like hands. "Oh my bad seems like you became a kabob" as he said this he pushed the body of his awkwardly because the anbu was much taller than him.

"Why are you stopping me I'm doing this village a favor by killing all the villagers, IF THEY WANT TO CALL ME A MONSTER I'LL SHOW THEM ONE!!!" Before he could attack again he was knocked unconscious by a chop to the neck. "I'm sorry Naruto the villagers didn't treat you right" a anbu with a dog mask apologized but before he could pick up Naruto he got slapped with a red tail into a building. All the anbu looked at the culprit which was Naruto. "YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT" Naruto was covered in the kyubi cloak that was flickering on and off. Naruto crouched on all fours and got ready to pounce at another anbu, when the dog mask anbu chopped him on the neck again. Naruto struggled to get back up and drifted of to unconsciousness.

Naruto woke up chained to a cold brick wall. He looked infront of him and saw three people he recognized behind the bars he was locked in. "Naruto I'm not going to blame you for what you did, I won't even criticize you for it, all I'm asking is why didn't come to me" the third Hokage asked as the two people behind him shuffled. Naruto jangled his bindings and looked around. "These chains are binding mine and kyubis chakra, I'll give you reason why I did what did, because of this" he motioned to the cell. "You had this ready ahead of time just for me, just in case I went berserk, just the mere thought of no one trusting me not even you old man disgusts me" Hiruzen looked down at the ground. "Why, you ask, "why didn't I come to you" because I couldn't make that far, I would get half way and I would get kidnapped, raped, beaten, stoned, and pushed around" with every word The Sarutobi, and the two anbu behind him flinched. "I understand hating me, hell I hate myself, but they did all of this for there messed up sense of justice, instead of getting hugs, praises, hell a pat on the damn back, FOR MY THIRD FUCKING BIRTHDAY THE VILLAGERS BROKE INTO MY HOUSE AND RAPED AND BEAT ME, ME A FUCKING THREE YEAR OLD, I should have been innocent of sex for at least ten more years" at this point the chains wear creaking from the pressure Naruto was putting on them. "And what the hell did you do, buy me ramen once a month and give me a tiny apartment to live in that I was kicked out of last year" Hiruzen was surprised by this. "Now you tell me why I didn't "come to you"" Naruto relaxed on his chains and looked at the Hokage disgusted. The third Hokage turned around and walked away saddened and disappointed in himself and the villagers. As he walked away Naruto laughed hysterically at nothing in particular. The second Anbu walked up to Naruto holding a scroll. " Uzumaki Naruto you are hear by imprisoned until further notice for two counts of murder, over a hundred counts of attempted murder, resisting arrest and slandering the name of the Hokage, how do plead" the anbu asked. "Guilty as charged" Naruto said sarcastically. "Then for seven years you shall be in incarcerated or until the Hokage sees fit, thank you for cooperating with this trail" the anbu bowed and left out the door the Hokage did moments ago. As he closed the reinforced steel door the lights turned of shutting Naruto into complete darkness and silence. That silence was interrupted with Naruto whistling.

For seven years Naruto got one meal a day that was spoon fed him. For the bathroom he was completely naked and chained so he let run down his leg and when the smell got unbearable a staff member would hose home and the cell down. For seven years he was caged like animal, imprisoned, and treated like an animal.

He was held


Thank you all so much for reading a cried a little writing this because it hit me in the feels well tell me was it good was it bad. I like reading your guys comments even the toxic ones. Have a nice one 👋👋👋

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