Chapter 5

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Elizabeth POV
I woke up the next morning, needing to throw up badly. I ran to the bathroom and spewed. The fuck? What's wrong with me? I feel so shitty. Why? I start to cry and cry. I grab a blade and cut my self 5 times.
1. For being alive
2. For being stupid
3. For being worthless
4. For being a human
5. And because I don't believe I should be alive.

I watched the dark
Rich red blood flows down my arm. It stings but I love the pain.
My mum walks in and sees my arm.
She has a look of discomfort and stress written on her face.

"Baby, give me the blade." She said wile tearing up.
She reaches over and grabs it from my hand and throws it out the window.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." my mum said sternly.

"But mum, I-I'm fine!!!"
"Please I don't wanna go, don't wanna go!" I screamed. I don't know why I was having this meltdown but I was. My mum stood there shocked. To see her baby crying for an odd reason.

"I'm taking you!" She pulled
My wrists and wrapped them up. We got into the car and drove to the hospital.

*on the way there*

My face was hot and puffy. Eyeliner and mascara was running down my face. I don't know what to do. I let out a little cry, it was no use. My mum had an even more worried look on her face.

We Walked into the front desk.

"Hello, I'm Mirander and what can u help you with?" A huge fake smile plastered on her clay face.

"Elizabeth Johnson." Mum replied.

"Go sit in waiting room two and your doctor should be there soon."

We walked down the large and white hall.

I decided to text Harry.

To- Hazza <3
Hey Haz mum took me to the hospital cause she's worried about me.

From- Hazza <3
We all are!! What on earth were you thinking?!

To- Hazza <3
I don't need you to start!! For fucks sake asshole!!

From- Hazza <3
I'm sorry. Just a bit tired that's all.

"Elizabeth Johnson." The man called.

We walked into the room, and he was wearing a black suit and a bright red tie. Why on earth would he want to wear that God only knows.

"So what's the problem?"

"My daughter, I think has developed depression."

"Ok." He says writing scribbles down.

He did a few tests and we waited 30 minutes to hear the results.

"I'm afraid she has developed more than just depression. she has anorexia, and has this thing we can't describe."

I can't BELIVE what I'm hearing.

And what do you guys think of this chapter??
I was feeling a bit down so it's a bit depressing I will try and make the next one better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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