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Hello there,

When I joined Wattpad I found it hard as a Christian to read edifying, decent and clean books. I had friends who delighted in reading books with mature contents. I was young and naive (I'm still young😅).

Thank God for God, His wake up call helped me make a decision to live a different life. Why will I read a book I know Jesus won't read with me?

Thank God for Christian ministries on Wattpad. God bless y'all!
FlourishMinistries shedelights and many others. Thank God for Christian writers too. God bless you!
I'm excited to share with y'all some of the books I've read. You're free to comment, suggest. You can even tell me what you think of the book if/when you've read it. I'll appreciate it all.
God bless you all. Happy discovering!

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