Horror Movies

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"KIDS YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!!" Mr. Pines yelled up the stairs. A couple of seconds later Dipper came running downstairs followed by Mabel who didn't look to well. Her hair wasn't brushed very well, she was wearing a pare of sweatpants and a t-shirt (DEFINITELY not Mabel) and a long furry blanket around her. "Hey Pacifica!" Dipper greeted. "I'm so glad you came. This past hour my sister came down with a cold. (what are the chances?) You can still hang out though, it's just Mabel's kind of-" Dipper was cut off to here Mabel sneezing and saying "My face, MY FACE feels like it's about to die and explode and- *sneezes again*"
"I'll stay, I need time off from my parents anyway." I said.
So we went upstairs and talked for a little while about Dippers journal and some monsters he found out exist. then we went and had some pizza that Mr. Pines had ordered for us. After we finished it was about 8:00pm. and Dipper wanted to watch a movie. So we went into the living room to look what one we wanted to watch.
Through out the night Mabel had not been looking so great. She sneezed like every 5 minutes and overall was not her normal self. "Hey guys?" Mabel asked " I'm not sure if I'm feeling up to watching a whole movie. I'm really tired I don't want to be rude but I think I should go to bed if I want to feel better."
"Are you sure?" Dipper replied.
"Mmhhmm." mumbled Mabel, as she went upstairs.
"So I was thinking how bout a horror movie?"
Horror movies
I was sitting on the couch next to my dog. My parents hated it when I the dog would be on furniture but I don't care. I was 8 and watching my first horror movie. Nobody there to comfort me, hold my hand, Nothing. I was alone in the dark watching this movie. I think I gave my dog a kidney problem from squeezing him to much I was so scared and even more alone after that.
::end of flashback::
"Pacifica? Earth to Pacifica?"
"Dipper! What ..oh ... Ya a horror movie is fine."
So we got a bowl of popcorn and sat down on the big chair in the living room. We had decided to watch The Screamining. We both haven't ever seen this movie before so we were both pretty excited/scared to death. As soon as the movie started there was screaming which freaked me out and I wrapped my arm around his. I swear I saw color in his cheeks not that mine were any better. Throughout the rest of the movie I was terrified. At this one part that was well- REALLY GORY and disgusting. I buried my face in Dippers chest. And he hugged me HUGGED ME. AHHH internally screaming because I never thought I'd turn to Dipper for comfort. I mean DIPPER. The one who called me the worst, the one who saved me from a category 10 ghost, the one who came back to help me... Never mind. Anyway he put his arm around me for the rest of the movie. I also buried my head into he chest about 4 more times. And there was ALOT of screaming done by both of us.
After the movie was done we were both traumatized, I think for life. But getting up to the attic was NOT a pleasant experience. because it was just like the scene in the movie Were that guy.. wait NOPE don't think about it. Sorry just Too Gory. So anyway we were both clinging on to each other going upstairs and every sound that was made we flinched.
As soon as we made it upstairs I don't think nether of us wanted to leave each others arms (I swear is not romantic😳) So we just sat on dippers bed with about a million blankets wrapped around us.

:::HEY what's up? Thank you so much for all the reads😊 you guys are awesome!!! So this book is going to be like a trilogy type thing so the last part should be up soon.😄 btw have u ever had a sleepover and watched a horror movie and you are just so traumatized you want to hold on to someone for dear life? That's how dipper and Pacifica are write now😄 Again thank you so much for all the reads😄 :::

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