The Letter

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Keelin POV

I came back from work and headed up to Freya and my room in the Mikaelson compound, it was quiet. Hayley was driving to Mystic Falls to pick up Hope for the summer, they were heading to spend some time at the Grand Canyon before coming to home, and so they weren't going to be back for a week. Freya must have been still at the bell tower working on a way to reunite her family.

I walked over to the chest of drawers to pull out some sweatpants and top to change into.  I quickly changed into them and put my clothes into our basket.  I accidentally knocked into a small pile of books as I headed to the kitchen.  I picked them up and saw a letter with my name on it.


I love you so much and I don't know what I did to deserve you, I mean I kidnapped you, tortured and threatened.  But when you left I think my heart broke.  And when you came back I felt butterflies in my stomach.  I only ever felt that once before 6 centuries ago, I never thought I would feel it again but I did.

I don't know why you would want to be with me, the day of our first kiss you were attacked, you found me dead and then I kicked you out when you were trying to help me. I remember that day like it was yesterday when Dominic told me about the people he sent after you, I was absolutely terrified. And when I pushed you away it broke me but I thought I was doing it to keep you safe. But when I kissed you and you kissed me back it felt like we were the only ones in the world. You have incredibly soft lips did you know.

When we were coming home from the hospital, the first time we made love I was so nervous you wouldn't like it. I almost ran a couple of times. The first time you spent the night was incredible as well. I think that was the best night sleep I have ever had because you were the last thing I saw that night and first thing I saw the next morning, I wanna do that forever if you let me.  I feel like the luckiest person in the world to get to see you with messy hair and morning breath.

If you ever decide to leave me then I will understand, I only you want to be happy, but I hope that at least our time together was fun and you were happy.  But if you do decide you want a life with me then I will spend everyday trying, and probably failing, to make you as happy as you made me.

I love you
Freya xxxx

I finished reading it in shock, tears falling from my eyes. Did she really think that? I know she's had a bad past. I broke down in tears and lay on my pillow.

Freya POV

I finished up with Vincent and was heading back to the compound to meet Keelin it was awfully quiet as I headed to our room. And found Keelin laying on the bed. Thinking she just fell asleep I headed over to pull the cover over her when I saw she was awake with tears in her eyes. "Hey did you have a bad day." I asked worryingly. She pulled out a letter from under her pillow and handed it to me, I recognised it immediately. She moved to sit up and she tugged me to sit beside her. "You read it." I asked already knowing the answers.

"Do you really believe that."  She asked quietly.

"Yes.  I know I am not good enough for you."  Freya said. "But I am incredibly happy."  Freya leaned her head on Keelin's shoulder.

"I love you Freya and no one's has ever made feel like this before. I am not planning on leaving you." Keelin explained.  "I am happy." Keelin leaned into kiss Freya.

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