Chapter 1: finding out

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3rd POV
During a particularly long and stressful meeting regarding Harry Potter and the Order of Fried Chicken, a figure decides to storm into the manor. Some lower rank Death Eaters point their wands at it, but with a wave of their hand the Death Eaters were disarmed and knocked unconscious.

The Dark Lord wondering what in the hell they were going to do about the 'light side' hears the doors to the meeting room burst open. All wands in the room are drawn in seconds and the mystery person decides to surrender their wand. " I don't mean any harm, but I must talk to to Rabastan Lestrange and Lord Voldemort." Gasps could be heard all around the room as not many people can say you know who's name. Plus Rabastan was usually quiet and didn't have much human contact, so someone claiming that they need to speak to him was quite unusual.

Voldemort being Voldemort was quite interested in what this random person had to say. " I would like to speak to you two alone so if the rest of y'all would kindly leave." No one could believe when the Dark Lord raised his hand and signaled the fact that they were released. He had just practically been given an order AND followed it.

Once everyone but Rabastan and Voldemort had left the room they young person started talking. " I understand you want to know who I am however I need to tell y'all the full story before I show myself. First and foremost I wish to join the dark side. I know I could help because once I am on the dark side you could easily win." The Death Eater was wondering who thinks they are so powerful that they could help one side so much. His lords thoughts were not all that different from his.

The thoughts were quickly gone as he started talking again. " I am not that powerful just who I am could help. Next is the main reason I'm here. Ok, I'm just going to say it and please don't freak out to much. I'm pregnant with Rabastan's child." If you were in the room there faces would all be priceless. The dark lord looked as if he ate a rotten egg. Rabastan looked like he was about to pass out , then there was the guy who was trying not to laugh. " That's not possible I have not like that with anyone in a long time. " Rabastan spoke with a faint blush on his cheeks. " Rabastan that's just sad, but I still don't understand how you got pregnant if y'all have not done anything." The dark lord spoke cautiously and a little weary. " We have not done anything together. However what I was told is that I was given a potion that made me have a baby, but the baby only had my DNA. So when they next person I somehow got DNA from was you when you shot me a spell, you became the other father."

This was a lot of information to process for the 20 minutes they had been talking. Finally when Tom had the courage to speak up and got over the initial shock he said " well.... Your not joking right?" Pregnancy hormones kicked in because before you knew it there was a pregnant crying guy in the floor. " You..... th....think I l..lied to y'all." The guy managed to stutter out between sobs. Neither man new what to do at that point so they tried the best they could to comfort him.

When the mystery guy finally calmed down he said " I'm sorry for doing that I'm still trying to get used to this stuff." Once they said it was alright they finally asked the loaded question. " So... who are you?" With a deep sigh he did the thing he was regretting. " I'm Harry Potter." (Shocker right?)
Tom and Rabastan's breath caught in their throat. Tom was very confused while Rabastan was still trying to process everything. " Why do you want to join the dark side I thought you were the face of the Light side." With a scoff Harry begin to tell them about the abuse from his uncle, the lies from Dumbledore, and the captivity.

"So that's why I'm here." After both of them were quite for about 5 minutes Harry said the thing he did not want to. " I completely understand if y'all want to kill me, but please I'm begging you please let me give birth to my child." Harry put a protective hand on his stomach. He had silent tears streaming down his face that had nothing to do with pregnancy hormones.

Tom was shocked he would say that so he said the most reasonable thing. " We don't want to kill you the child girl or boy deserves his father or mother whichever you prefer." Harry couldn't help the smile that was on his face at those words. Rabastan finally said something. " I agree with Tom, I had always wanted a child and now I will have one. You and the baby will have nothing but my full attention until the baby is born and even after that. That is assuming I could be in the baby's life?" " of coarse" Harry says it as if it's obvious. Tom says " You can keep a room in the manor this is where Rabastan and his family are staying." " Thank you" Harry says and he means it. He can at least give birth to his child... correction their child safety.

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