Chapter 6: Hospitals and confessions

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"Harry! Harry wake up please." Tom was very nervous about Harry as he is pregnant and just passed out. "His pulse is still there and he is breathing," Severus said gratefully.

"Narcissa get the floo ready while I carry him." Severus said. The others were holding and keeping Rabastan captivated. "Alright Sev" Narcissa said a little panicky. Everyone rushed downstairs worried about Harry and the baby.

When they got to St. Mungos they immediately went to the front desk to get help. "Please help. My little brother passed out and he is pregnant we need to make sure everything is ok." Severus said because he was the one ,beside Tom, who looked like Harry the most.

"Of course follow me this way and we will get scans ASAP." When they got to the room, they put Harry down on the hospital bed and all stood around wondering what had happened.

In all of their rushing they did not realize that sometime between running downstairs and flooing, Rabastan got out of their hold. Somehow they still did not realize that because they were just concerned about the boy they had all become so found of.

Time skip brought to you by Toms gay ass

After all of the scans the healers only came to one conclusion, they did not know what was happening to him. He had just passed out. Of course this did not sit well with Tom, for he needed something to be wrong. He could not stand if his precious Harry had no cure because they do not know what is wrong.

About an hour later, Harry woke up. He was confused but then he remembered what had happened. He was still a little shocked that his 'family' had found him.

"Harry! Your awake. Love, are you ok? Do you want me to get the healers?" Tom was freaking out and in all of his stressing he did not realize he had called Harry love. Harry had a faint blush resting on his cheeks. "Tom I'm fine. I promise. I don't know what happened, I just passes out. " Harry how are you feeling?" Narcissa asked as gently as possible. "I'm fine, but I wish to talk alone with Tom if you will."

The rest of the group left hesitantly. The two sat in awkwardness for two minutes before Tom broke the silence. " What did you want to talk to me about?" Tom tried not to show that his heart was fluttering and the nervousness that was creeping into the pit of his stomach. Harry was a flat out reck. He kept running his hands through his hair and squirming on the bed.

" I ummm wanted to say s..sorry for leaving and not hearing your side of the story first." He mentally cursed himself for stuttering in-front of Tom. He was       about to start ram along again when Tom stopped him. " Shh it's ok. I know you were stressed, but please promise me that you will never do that again."  Harry chuckled but promised.

After 2 minutes of silence, Tom was walking to the door to let the others in. He kept thinking about how he wished Harry had told home something else. Something else more along the lines of love for Tom. However, he knew Harry could not love him. Who would love a slimy snake? That's all he will ever be too.

Harry's mind was a mess. I should have told him then and there what I was feeling, but I didn't. Harry felt guilty for reasons he did not understand. He knew he should have told Tom because now the moment was over. Harry then remembered a saying Narcissa told him when he won the e day he left. He had planned to tell Tom how he felt that day, but then the drama started. 'It's only over if  you say it's over and you will only say it's over when it's done.

Right as Tom reached the doorknob he heard Harry call him. "Tom, please don't leave yet. I still have to tell you something." The last part was mumbled but was still heard in the pen drop silence. " Anything Harry." Harry took a deep breath and then looked right in Toms eyes. " Tom I know I'm pregnant and it's not your baby, but let's be honest the kids dad is a jerk and would be better off without him. I also know there is a very slim chance that you will return my feelings, but I think I love you Tom." Tom was completely speechless.

Harry took this as a bad sight and started to be fidgety. Tom did not notice because he was still thinking. Harry loves me! He actually does and know I can tell him so love him too.

Harry was worried, but even more than that he felt stupid. Not because he just outed himself but because he believed that Tom at least liked him. Tom finally noticed Harry's predicament and realized he needed to say something.

"Harry, it's ok shhh. Why are you so upset?" Tom had ended up hugging him in the middle of his sentence. He started to think that Harry actually did not like him and it was a just 'in the moment' type thing.

"I just outed myself to you and you don't like me back. This was probably the worst time to tell you this too." He let out a dark chuckle after. "Harry no. I love you too. I was just shocked because I didn't think you would like me." Tom was mad at himself because he let his love think that.

Harry got out of Toms arms, which he did not realize he was in, and looked into those scarlet eyes. "I love you Tom" Harry said quietly. "I love you too Harry. More than you will ever know." Tom said just as quietly.

Harry lunged forward and kissed Tom. It was slow and tentative at first, but the en it heated up. Tom swiped his to tongue along Harry's lip and Harry immediately opened up. Almost like someone had flicked a switch. Tom found every cavern of his mouth. They were just about to take off their shirts when they heard a squeal on the other side of the door.

Harry quickly got up and opened the door to see everyone in the inner circle standing right outside the door. He blushed and walked back over to a pouting Tom.

"It's about time y'all got together! Now I want some grandchildren, so we will leave now." Cissy said almost squealing. The quickly left after Narcissa gave them both hugs and closed the door with picking and silencing charms. Narcissa could not be any happier for her friend and son in everything but blood. It was about time both of them found happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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