_ - ~ chapter four ~ - _

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I AM HERE called a voice coming through the door like a hero. as a man came through the doorway, rotom beeped and shot out my bag. It's all might in his silver age costume he says. I rush from my desk and grab rotom after he dodges a couple times getting photos. Sorry I say rotom here gets really excited about meeting new heroes. Ha ha ha he laughs. It's fine rotom was it?. Yes short for rotom dex he says proudly just so excited that you're actually a teacher here. He laughs again please take your seat yes sir I say returning to my seat and putting rotom back into my bag. He walks up to the front of the class. Welcome to the most important class at U.A. high he says think of it as heroing 101 here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight for the name of good let's get into it today's lesson well pull punches. Fight training bagugo calls. Real combat? medoria asks. But one of the keys of being a hero is allmight says taking a pause looking good. Walls emerged from one side of the classroom. These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started. Everyone let out cheers of delight but allmight continued get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground beta. Yes sir we all coursed. My request was pretty vague so I wonder what It'll look like.


I walked out, my suit was a yellow komodo with orange and black markings. it had an orange headpiece, a double looped belt with my pokeballs and a backpack I can easily access with all my supplies. Now shall we get started you bunch of newbies? Asked allmight. Alright time for combat training he said. Sir tenyas voice said from a white suit of armor which raised its hand. So that's tenya under there eevee says. This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again? Tenya asked. Not quite I'm gonna move you two steps ahead allmight said most of the villain fights you see in the news take place outside however statistically speaking running in with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors think about it backroom deals home invasions secret underground layers truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows while this training exercise shall be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two indoor battles. Dissent this a little advanced? a girl in a green suit asked. The best training is what you get on the battlefield allmight said but remember you can't just punch a robot this time you're dealing with actual people now. A bunch of people asked questions all at once. Listen up allmight said pulling out a piece of paper. The situation is this the villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in there hideout the hero's try to foil there plans to do that the good guys have to catch the evil doer or retrieve the weapon likewise the villains should secside if the protect their payload or capture the hero's time is limited and well choose teams by drawing lots. Isn't there a better way? Tenya asks. Think about it medoria said pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here. Yes I see tenya says life is a series of random events excuse my rudeness. No sweat allmight says let's draw! I was paired up with Mashirao Ojiro.


We were up against shoto and mezo and we were the villains. Ill scout ahead on our competition in the shadows you stay here in case they sneak past me ok. He nods and flicks his tail. I let out lunala and hugged her side phantom force. I say a black hole appears and I get sucked in than I was a shadow by the other team. Mezo was spreading out two more arms with ears on each end. Shoto walked in and one of the ears turned into a mouth ones nearby somewhere and ones on the north side of the fourth floor both for your own safety go outside shoto says I'm sure our opponents intend to fight a defensive battle mezo left the building and I tackled shoto letting out flareon espeon and umbreon his had had white cold smoke coming from his hand and when it touched the wall ice started to spread. Flare wildfire I said but it was too late we were already incase in ice. But we already won, shoto said. Then he walked away a little while later I heard allmight announce the hero team wins. Than all the ice disappears and I return all my pokemon


Later we were all gathered in the classroom waiting for deku to return just then he came through the door hey it's medoria the spiky red head said good to see you back super. we all rushed to the door and started clamoring about how amazing his fight was. Hey I'm Eijiro Kirishima, the spiky red head said we've been going over training results while you were in recovery. Hi Im Hanta Sero said the guy with the funny elbows. Im yuga aoyama said the sparkly dude. Im mina ashido I gotta say your dodging was amazing said the pink girl with yellow horns. I'm Rōra Meru-meru I say. Hey Im Rikido Sato said the big guy with puffy lips. Hey guys deku said. And Im Minoru Mineta said the purple creep guy jumping in front of him. Fumikage Tokoyami tenya called. I looked over to see a guy with a black bird head sitting on a desk and tenya rushing towards him. Stop using that desk as a chair tenya yelled get off of it this instant. Dude you need to chill Kyoka Jiro said calmly you're carrying a lot of tension mashirao said. Noone understands tenya says I cannot condone actions of disrespect to this class not when great women of upperclassmen once used them. I sighed and sweat dropped as the argument continued. Man tenya really needs a break eeve said I sigh he really does I say. 

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