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What's it like being a rapper?

It seems fun, right?

Not that much responsibility, correct?

All you really have to do is say words on beat, not that much work at all!


Dababy stood at the very edge of a tall building, staring at the drop below him. "This may just be the end." He took a deep breath and began to lean forward, debating on the jump.

His foot slipped.

He plummeted straight down, faster than he could process this misfortune. He extended his hand outwards, using the little hope he had left on the thought of being saved. In doubt, he closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Not too long after, he opened his eyes to a mans voice...
Calling out... to him...

"Dababy! Dababy, give me your hand!"
His voice was passive, although stern.
Soft, yet deep.
He struggled to reach out, as the wind was too powerful. He soon felt something soft surround him, though he hadn't touched the ground just yet. He looked below his body to find blood red feathers carrying him, allowing a sigh of relief to escape his mouth.

He was lowered to the ground. Slowly, but surely. The feathers released him onto his feet harmlessly. The winged hero stood beside him, tears filling his bright, golden eyes. Dababy stared at him, not knowing what to say. The pro hero hugged the rapper. "I'm glad you're safe."


i went through the five stages of grief writing this 😫

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