Well, happy birthday to me.

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It was a Saturday morning, but it wasn't any old Saturday - oh no, far from it. This Saturday was the changeling's seventeenth birthday.

Raven was already up, her violet eyes focused and determined as she walked down the dimly lit halls of Titan's Tower towards. Upon entering the common room, she completely disregarded the riot of colors and decorations for the birthday party. Streamers and balloons adorned every surface in an elaborate display. It was ridiculous, but what could you expect when you had an alien as a party planner.

Currently, Cyborg, Robin, and Starfire were beyond busy with the finishing touches and last-minute adjustments. Raven completely tuned it all out and walked on towards her tea pot. She grabbed her favorite blend of herbal teabags and a mug, pouring the steaming liquid with practiced ease, before finally addressing the person who had stood behind her since she entered the kitchen. "Yes, Robin?" She asked calmly, her monotone voice betraying nothing.

"We need you to do something." He said simply, his masked eyes locking onto hers.

She knew it was only a matter of time before they asked for her help. The whole birthday party thing was completely ridiculous in her opinion. She found that the birth celebration should go to the mother and not the child. After all, they were the ones that did all the work. And just think, seventeen years ago, some poor woman pushed Beast Boy's big head out of her...

Okay, that's a little harsh, she admitted to herself. She did understand the purposes of celebrating birthdays, and it was only natural for her to show negativity towards the meaning of it all, given that her birth wasn't the most pleasant of situations. But she did care about her friends, and even if she hated to say it, she cared about Beast Boy.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked, her tone exasperated, but willing to help nonetheless.

"We need you to stand watch." Robin explained.

She lifted a brow, her face reflecting her confusion. "Stand watch?" She repeated.

"Just make sure he doesn't come in until we're ready." Robin clarified.

"Do you really think he doesn't know Star's planning a party?" She asked, her usual deadpan tone indicating her skepticism.

The truth was, the alien never missed a birthday party and always went all out. So, after Beast Boy spent three years as a Titan, Raven was sure he had to see it coming.

"You know as well as I do that it's all for Starfire." Robin reasoned, and Raven couldn't help but agree. "So, for Star, can you please help?" He finished, his eyes pleading. Raven let out a sigh, her internal struggle evident for a moment before she masked it behind her stoic facade. She drank the last of her tea, and headed towards the door. "Thank you." She heard Robin call from behind her, causing her to roll her eyes in response.


Raven leaned against the wall outside the main room. She had been standing there for about 20 minutes, her focus unwavering, when she finally heard the faint sound of a door creaking open and then closing, followed by casual footsteps heading towards her direction. Seeing that her job was complete, she let out a breath and stood up straight before walking back into the main room.

"He's coming." She warned the others, her voice low and steady.

Upon hearing her words, Robin quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, urgency etched on his face. "Raven, we're almost done. You need to buy us some time." He pleaded in an anxious whisper.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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Well, happy birthday to me...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang