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Percy ran. Ran to save his life. Not running from monsters, but the horrors of the Aphrodite Cabinmates. Along with Hephaestus. Heck, even Leo and Piper joined!

As he was running, he bumped into someone. It happened to be the person he was hoping to avoid. Annabeth Chase, his lovely girlfriend.

"Annabeth!" Percy cried. "Run if you value your life."

She looked past him, saw who was chasing him, and an understanding came between the two. So they ran.

They were getting strange looks, that's for sure. Especially when they triggered one of the traps the Hephaestus Cabin had set up. They were currently hanging upside down on a tree, with Annabeth glaring at Percy for getting her into this mess.

The cabins finally caught up to them. Piper McLean shouted, "Percabeth! We'll get you down if you watch what we made!"

Annabeth twisted to face Percy. "What do they want to show us?"

"They want to show us what they call Percabeth moments. Something they made by invading our personal space." He shot a glare at the campers before them.

Annabeth's eyes widened. She now understood why her boyfriend was running. Are they spying on them during dates, in their cabin when Annabeth tutors Percy, when they kiss, and all the stuff mature couples do?

She had a quick realization as her eyes drifted to where her dagger was hidden. She swiftly took it and cut the rope, hanging on to a branch as she passed it to Percy. Riptide would be too big to cut the rope at their current position.

Now that both of them were hanging onto that branch, they fell, still holding the branch. The branch was too weak to contain their weight.

4 burly Hephaestus campers caught them.

"Hah! I can't wait to see this stuff and use it as blackmail!" Anyone can guess who said that. Leo, of course.

They were dragged into the Poseidon Cabin. The lights were off and a projector projected a video onto the only white wall there.

It was called "Percabeth's Best Moments."

The subtitle said, "Goes with Why, by Sabrina Carpenter."

Popcorn was set up on the floor, along with chairs and blankets. All of the campers currently at camp rushed in if they weren't already there. They wanted to watch. Especially those who had crushes on one or another and wanted to break them up.

(Italic is the song, bold with italic is the scene, and normal is the present time campers."

You like New York City in the daytime

I like New York City in the nighttime

Annabeth complains that New York is too cold in wintertime and that she prefers the daytime. Percy was saying, "But Wise Girl! Christmas time is the best at night!" They were playfully arguing of course.

Annabeth and Percy reddened in embarrassment. Leo was snickering while Piper threw a pillow at him. 'Where'd she get that?" Clarisse thought. 'I wanna pillow. I could start a pillow war!'

You say you like sleeping with the air off

I don't, I need it on.

Annabeth was telling Percy to stop with the AC. She was annoyed because she grew up in California originally. She was fine with the warmth. It was summertime, after all. Percy complained, "It's too hot in here!" Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Please?" Percy does his puppy eyes.

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