Tommy x reader

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Trigger warnings: mentions of physical abuse, yelling, and arguments
Version: real life
Gender: female
Storyline: You flinch during an argument and immediately tommy starts yelling about who hurt you and where they are so they can kill them, realizes he scared you not with just his movement but yelling too and immediately calms down, calms you down by using techniques he uses when his anxiety gets out of control, gives snuggles and ends up spending the rest of the night messing around.
The abuser is mentioned but I didn't choose who the abuser was so you can choose who in the Y/N life the abuser was. Enjoy the story!

Your POV
"Why were you flirting with Toby, I know it's a bit but seriously he's my best friend!" Tommy screamed, it was truly a bit to make him jealous since he constantly was hanging out with his friends on the smp. You'd decided to talk to tubbo about it, he said to make him jealous to get his attention and so you did. You decided to do a bit on the smp that you'd marry tubbo and his 'sugar daddy' Ranboo for the cash. Tommy was not happy with that, and it was quite clear that it pissed him off that you did that.
"I just thought it would be the best way to get your attention! You'd been playing with your friends or streaming for the past few days you've barely talked to me!"
"Well I was just trying to make content and you just didn't have to do that!"
"Well you didn't listen to me when I said I wanted your attention!"
"I was working!"
"You're always working though! I need attention too ya know!"
At this moment Tommy quickly brought his hand up to run through his hair, but the moment he moved you flinched. Backing away quickly and using both arms as a shield for your face. You turned your head to the side, trying to avoid anything heading straight for your head to smack you or punch you. Your eyes shut closed as you wait for your hands to be yanked down and a sharp pain to overwhelm your senses but when nothing happens you open your eyes slightly. You slowly move your hands down, looking at Tommy's shocked face. He was paler than usual like he'd just seen some terrible thing, his eyes glossed over slightly and his eyes became low lidded.
"Who?" Was all he said, it sounded more like a demand with a very calm yet angry tone in his voice. You hands began to tremble, your lips quivered slightly.
"What?" Your soft voice asked. "Who?" He repeated again, slightly louder this time.
"Who what? I don't understand." You became quieter, worried he'd burst into a fit of anger if you asked again.
"Who hurt you?!" He shouted, jolting his chest up and puffing in and out in anger.
"Who hurt you?! Tell me! Now!" You opened your mouth to speak but no words cane out, your fear beginning to take over again as your body was hit with an adrenaline rush.
"Who the fuck hurt you?! You have been nothing but nice to people and they decide to abuse you?! Who the fuck- why the fuck- no! Who in the hell decided it would be a good option to traumatize you?! To beat you?! To hurt you?! Answer me! Y/N who the fuck hurt you?!" His voice boomed out in anger, his rambling being drowned out by your anxiety flourishing through your mind intoxicating you like a drug.
"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you angry I'll try not to flinch next time I'm sorry!" You began to ramble as well, worried you set him off by flinching and scared that he'd want to breakup with you or hurt you for flinching.
"I'm not-" his voice was loud but suddenly he paused, "I'm not angry at you." The once loud and angry voice suddenly changed to a softer tone, more comforting and calm. "I just... it... I find it very hard to keep calm when I know that the reason you flinched is because someone in your life decided to hurt you. Why? Why did you let them do that to you?" The voice that was soft was now softer, quivering slightly.
"I... I didn't see the red flags. Hell, red flags look normal through rose colored glasses. I was so wrapped up in my world I didn't notice how damaging what they were doing to me was, and ignored the signs even when I knew they were there. I'm sorry... please don't be angry at me."
He lifted his hands like he was going to hold you face in his hands, something he usually did as a romantic gesture or to comfort you when your anxiety overcame you. He stopped his movements, a worried expression coming over his face.
"Is it okay if I touch you?" You nodded yes, his warm hands wrapped against your cheeks holding your head up. He was much taller than you were, so this was the easiest was to see your face from his view. He leaned down, kissing your forehead lovingly. He rested his forehead against yours, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around him.
"I love you." He whispered, before you could speak he moved quickly wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you up. He threw you over his shoulder like deadweight, you gently punched his back whilst laughing.
"What the hell?!" You giggled out as he walked towards the couch. He gently threw you into the couch and walked away, as you got comfy he walked in with a pile of blankets and pillows in his hands.
"Get something on the tv before I take the remote and choose for you." He was muffled from the blankets that covered his face and pillows that were healed in his hands. Throwing them onto the couch and picked a blanket up, covering your legs with it as he leaned down to get something else. Suddenly you were met with a pillow in your face, your shocked expression said everything about the next few minutes. You yanked the pillow behind you and chucked it at him, suddenly it was a pillow fight. Taking the pillows from the couch and hiding behind the table and taking cover before throwing another pillow like it was a grenade.
"Catch bitch!" You yelled, throwing a pillow dead straight at his face.
"Head shot!" You giggle but was cut off by a blanket covering your head and body, suddenly being picked up again and thrown onto a soft surface.
"Pick a damn movie women." He mumbled with a smile on his face. Needless to say you went straight for your favorite show/movie and cuddles against him. Barely even watching the content you spent the whole time goofing off and mocking the scenes.

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