Suddenly asleep

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Writers note this is the song Hay Lady ⬆️, Nina is listening to you you haven't heard it before.

Nina Pov
I'm lying in bed with my headphones on listening to song Hay Lady soundly asleep.

Connor Pov
I walks into g bedroom sees her asleep, I look at her for a few moments I walk over to her and lean down and kiss her forehead. I walk out of the room and walk down the stairs and grab my coat and walk out the door. I walk down the street for a bit then Tim shows up and punches me in the stomach I grew "you shite prick" He starts punching me over and over again I start  punching back "You did deserve it" Playing after a few more minutes Tim hears distant sirens in the distance and stops punching me and runs away. I'm on the path I lie down and look at the sky and  sigh to myself.

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