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I'm running a little late for school
You know your girl have to get breakfast before going into
This mess for 7 hours straight.
Why you didn't eat on your way to school? you asked Well you see...
I wasn't even ready for school dressed wise.

Anywho im running through the
Hallways of my school
Trying to get to my class before I
Be extra late and yelled at by my ugly boney ass teacher, Until I slam into to some female knocking us both back a few feet.

"DAMN  girl you good? " I asked getting up off the cold ass floor
Dusting my pants off
" No, what you running for?"
She snapped at me
"I just didn't want to be even more late than I'm already am, im sorry I didn't mean to run into you like that." I said "Do you need
Me to take you to the nurse or something or can I continue running?" I asked

"You about to run some more? What's wrong with you? YOU Crazy?" She said back
"Nooooo I just want to hurry up and get to class so I don't get in trouble, if you don't need help or anything can I go?" I asked again
"I need help to go to the nurses office" she said
" Ugh man ok let's get you up."  I responded
"Thank you your so kind"

" lil girl I can leave yo ass right here" I said


I am looking at the clock on the wall waiting anxiously for keelin to get to school, im starting to get worried
I'm scared what happened if something happened to her...
"You worrying about her still?" Gia Asked glancing up at me before looking down continuing to finish her work
"Yeah I mean why haven't she got here yet"
"You asking why Keelin haven't got to
SCHOOL yet? To school? I mean it's kinda obvious why she not here yet."

"Yeah you probably right we all know she not with this school stuff she rather be at home eating then to be here learning with us." I said
"Right so stop worrying if she don't show up at lunch then we can
Go to her house hell we can get ivy to kick the door down. Ok?" Gia asked
"Ok" I answered back


"I've been waiting in the nurses office with you for hours, im grateful I didn't miss my favorite time of the day lunch. Hurry so we can get the good
Stuff before its all gone. Plus I'm super sorry for messing up your nose to make it up to you you can sit with me and my friends at lunch... unless you don't want to and thats cool."

"Kee calm down i would love to sit you and your friends at lunch, im new I need some friends." The girl said

"Great you would love them its 5 of us all together some are meaner then others. Just don't take anything they say to heart."  I said

"Ok" she responded back

I spotted my friends in the back of the cafeteria eating what looks like
Pizza, I grabbed my new friend arm and rushed to the back of the cafe

"Guys guess what" I started to say

" where the hell have you been?" Saige asked cutting me off mid sentence

"I was about to get to that, anyways I was running late like always until I ran into like literally ran into this girl right here my new friend Grace, Everyone say hi to grace." I answered smiling hard

Ember waved and lightly smiled
"Thats Ember"
Gia said hi and turned back to her school work
"Thats Gia don't mind her she really likes school"
"What happened to your nose?" ivy asked
"stop being rude thats Ivy by the way."
Saige Stared at her for a second before saying
"Yeah hi um but that don't explain why you was late."
"Oh yeah to answer both yall questions when I ran into her I kinda messed up her nose and had to stay in the nurses office with to make sure she was alright." I said

Saige nods her head slowly
"Well If that's enough question im about to get me some food before its all gone. Come on Grace"

"Ok its was nice to meet y'all" Grace said
"Yeah you too faith" saige responded


"Aw looks like our little keelin have a new friend" Ivy said

"Looks like it to me" gia said back

"Yeah not for long i will make sure of that." I said watching as Faith i mean grace and keelin wait in the lunch to get some food.

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