Bio/ Prologue

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______________USS Missouri____________

Class- Missouri-Class
Type- Guided Fast Battleship; Nuclear Battleship, Super Battleship. IDK

So I was thinking why not make her more modern?
Lets say in this world the US decided to reinstate battleships. And why not use the name stake of one of the greatest American Battleships?

It will be quite similar to the Iowa class counterpart but with a few changes. Her will a larger of course but his back main turret will be replaced with an experimental rail gun. She will have all the modern weaponry. And of course she be dat fallout power.

895 ft
115 ft

2x A1B Nuclear Reactor (the same ones on the Ford-Class)

35 knots

6x 17in Mark 8 guns
1x experimental electromagnetic railgun.
4x Phalanx CIWS
4x RIM-116 RAM
4x RIM-162 ESSM
40x MK 57 VLS Modules
And more missiles ( idk what they are called)


Just replace the turret on her left with a rail gun

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Just replace the turret on her left with a rail gun. And replace her aa guns with CIWS and Missile launchers.


Somewhere in the Pacific
1800 Hours

A American battleship taskforce can be seen patrolling in the Pacific. The new constructed battleship was the first of its kind since the early 20th century. Although the ship itself is very different from battleships of the past it still kept the same concept, Big guns and lots of armor. The Crew aboard had a sence of pride, as they feel like how their forefathers felt serving on the warships of old.

Sailor 1
Wow! I never expected to serve on a battleship!

Sailor 2

eah man! I great grandfather was an aa gunner on the Iowa back in the day!

Sailor 1
Cool! Well then i guess the Might Mo sails again.

Another sailor runs up to them.

Sailor 3
Oi! Guys! Captain wants us down deck in 10! Theres a storm a coming!

Sailor 1
What? But the skies are clear!?

At the bridge

Radar Sailor guy:
Sir the storm its heading to us now!

The hell? Where did it even come from? A storm does just come out of no where.

Suddenly the taskforce was engulfed in s massive strom. Heavy rain, high winds and lightning and lots of it. The waves almost taking the destoryer escorts. They to fall back way so they wouldn't capsize.

God this is not looking good.

Come on now! Lets get out of this storm, we don't want to lose Mo here in a damn storm!

The large battleship tired its best to push itself out of the storm. But it was getting worse at the minute.
Suddenly purple lightning struck down. The sea began to glow.

Random Sailor
Whoah! What the fuck?

Random Sailor 2


The entire ship was surrounded in bright light. Then the storm suddenly began to dissipate. And the Mighty Mo was no where to be found.

Somewhere in the Pacific

Hours after the disappearance of the Missouri.

A woman can be seen floating on the ocean's surface. Taking a closer look she appears to be in her early to mid twenties. She has long blonde hair and steel blue eyes. She's wearing clothes thats rather revealing. Still covering whats needed. She is attached to some kind of steel ringing. Battleship guns stick out on her hip.

Uh.... my head
The woman slowly gets up.
Where am I?

Then suddenly she realized something.

Wait... my head hurts....

Find out what happens next time on DRAGON BAL- i mean this book or fanfic or want ever the fuck this trash is.

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