At the party

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(Pov summer)

"What did i ever do to you?!" I said. "You're just a whore, always wearing short skirt or dresses, never listening to me!" Her boyfriend said. His friends started laughing at me. "I can wear and do what i want! I don't need to listen to you!" I yelled. "You can't you're just a girl, you're worthless, im breaking up with you!" He yelled back. "Fine, I don't care, you're a piece of shit blake."

(Pov Riley)

Me and Josephine walked into the party and saw summer and someone else, I didn't recognize him. We walked up to them. "What's going on here?" I asked. "Hey Riley, this is my ex-boyfriend blake, and we just had an argument. Can we go home?" Summer said. "Yes of course, just explain what happened when we get in the car." I said.

(In the car)
"So what was all that about?" I asked. "We broke up because i was tired of him controlling me". summer answered.
"He seemed like a dick anyways." Josephine said. Summer and I laughed.

(We drove home)

We stepped out of the car. Entered our house and locked the doors. "Since we're al here, should we watch the movie now?" I asked. They agreed. So i put 10 days on.

(Film is finished)

"So i'm going to go to bed." I said. Josephine replied: "ye, it's time for me to head home."
"Okay, bye jo!" I said. I told summer to go to bed since it got pretty late and she had had to get up early tomorrow.

(We went to bed)

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