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Yoongi stares at his step-father who's now doing drugs..

“Boy, come here try it..” One of his father's friend shows him a powder..

Yoongi shakes his head and get his bag.. “Appa, I'll go to school now..”

Then he walks to his mother and kiss her forehead. “Mom, I'll buy you medicine later, okay?”

His mom smiles at him with teary eyes, “I'm sorry Y-yooniee..”

Yoongi only shakes his head and whispered I love you to his mother, he closes the door of her room and glance at his father before leaving.

How he wishes time flies so fast so that he can finish his study then find a better job so he can afford to bring his mother to the hospital and then he can finally tell the police about his father and his wrong doings..But he can't right now, he's mad at his self for being not capable to afford some of his mother's medicine and he had no choice, but to accept the money from his father and his dirty work.

After the class, he changes his clothes to his cleaner uniform and start cleaning the classrooms and toilets. The school SSG pres. Namjoon is kind enough for helping him  to work as a janitor for a part time job. He stop in front of the mirror and get his clean shirt and changed, the last room he needs to clean is the library and he make sure to look clean and smell nice before going there.. He peeks in the door and saw Seokjin and Hoseok, the two librarians who also become his friends..

“Is he there?” Yoongi whispered while glancing at the middle shelves..

“You know he's always there Yoongi..” Seokjin rolled his eyes on him..

Yoongi smiles and walks towards the middle table, his heart beating loudly in his chest..He felt all his tiredness goes away and his problems vanish just by only seeing Jimin.. The younger is wearing his reading glasses, brows cutely knitting and his lips pouting.

Yoongi leans on the door and waits for Jimin to look at him and when he did, Yoongi broke into a biggest smile in the world..

“Hyungiee!!” Jimin giggles and waves at him..

Yoongi laughs from Jimin's loudness, “Shhh, you keep your voice down inside the library..”

“It's okay! Jin and Hoseok Hyung won't get mad at me..” Jimin pats the space in his side..

Yoongi likes Jimin so much. The younger approach him one day while he's cleaning the gym and help him to pick up the balls that the players used. At first, Yoongi tried to avoid Jimin and his friends, Taehyung and Jungkook. They are those students came from a rich family and Yoongi felt he's not belong in their world, which is real. But Jimin always approach him and greet him with those contagious smile, everyday.. Jimin always waits for him after his duty so that they can eat food together..He was shy because it's always a free food for him and he doesn't want to take advantage on how kind Jimin is, but Taehyung said, the food is from him and Jungkook since they are HRM students and there's always spare food, so he doesn't need to be shy at all..

Yoongi becomes used to Jimin always waits for him, to eat, to talk, to walk, to laugh with or just to take a nap together.

“Hyung help me solve this equation please..” Jimin shows him a math problem..

And Yoongi's spare time, he spends it with Jimin. He walks Jimin to his car..

“Get in, it's getting cold here outside..” Yoongi looks at Jimin confused when the younger didn't move and just keeps on fidgeting..


“I like you Hyung!” Jimin cut him by his high pitch voice. Jimin bites his lips, red face..

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