Chicago in Crimson

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Part 1

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Part 1

Chicago was clean of the Quinn's influence after the families elimination from power but this action had caused gang wars in its wake as each faction scrambled together to be top dog of the city. This was a problem Chicago had dealt with before but with the Black Viceroys taken out of the picture new gangs started to try their luck in the city. The newest gang calling themselfs the Bravta were originally a San Francisco group but had been pushing into Chicago to grab a decent foothold. Aiden didn't know much about the gang and didn't really care on the power pushes from the different factions until they started to make noise on the news for killings of people he had a hand in helping. This felt like a personal vendetta aimed at him by someone who had lost much after the Quinn's demise who was using a gang as a front. Neither faction gave credit for the deaths but the problems the city faced pointed to it being related. The police had brushed the deaths aside claiming they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time making Aiden feel he would have to be the grey fox of the city once more to solve the incidents. Prior to the deaths he'd kept off the radar as much as he could in order to accomplish his new ideals. This hadn't been hard to do but Aiden had dropped his ties with Raymond Kenney as well as a few people he used to work with feeling that Kenney in particular drew more attention to himself then was necessary in order to accomplish his goals. He didn't personally dislike Kenney but his goals against Blume made Kenney a big target. With his old contacts gone Aiden was on the hunt for someone to help him and reached out to the underground recruiters who pointed him in the direction of an old friend. Someone he'd not seen since his days in the gang. Aiden was in two minds in hiring a friend as his actions usually led to consequences that his partners usually payed with their life over but their credentials in coding and hacking had been a major factor on him deciding to take the chance.

Aranea Miller was a blonde haired, blue eyed woman who dressed in gothic punk clothing. Both her and Aiden had agreed to meet at a neutral setting of a coffee shop to just chat. This was so both could size up the other and see if they would fit as working partners. Although her files was impressive there was no point in hiring someone if they did not get along. Aranea was the first to arrive at the meeting place. Ordering a latte she moved to sit at a table that was positioned by a window. She had just moved back to Chicago from San Francisco a month prior but had already made a name for herself in the city prior to her moving away. This had led to many offers and even Dedsec taking an interest in her but Aranea had found the hacker group lacking in her ideals so had refused a position with them. A notion that had surprised most and had made her more desirable to clients. Usually she was picky on what she did but occasionally Aranea would take a job offer over curiosity on the outcome. This fact led her to taking an interest in Aiden's offer. She usually had little interest in gang affairs but his proposal seemed like it could go into something more interesting and she wondered how her old friend was doing now he was somewhat famous in the city. As she waited her delicate hands were wrapped around her cup her thoughts a mix of things but Aranea saw everything that was going on around her. It didn't take long until Aiden walked in. She didn't turn her head into his direction until he sat on the seat the opposite side of her. Both looked each other over calmly before Aiden spoke. "You look good Aranea. Jeez has it been over ten years since I last saw you." "I could say the same thing to you but I am sure you didn't call me here just to talk over old times." She smiled warmly at him as she waited for his reply. "I missed your straight to business attitude. Why the guys respected you in the gang. Though I am more impressed by actions after you got out. You were mentored by Defalt before breaking out into San Francisco. I may not like Defalt but I can't deny his skills were impressive. Only got one question did you share his passion for getting even with Raymond Kenney?" Aiden's face went serious as he asked the question. This made Aranea look to him with light interest before she took a drink of her coffee. "My main reason for leaving the city was due to Defalt's ideas of getting revenge. His need to get back at Kenney really changed him to someone I couldn't be around anymore. I am appreciative of everything I was taught and I suppose for him making my alias Mouse well known in the underground but I do not share his motives. If you are wondering if you can trust me my answer is that you can to the same extent as any other person with my talents. Your offer intrigues me which is why I agreed to come and talk." "If the recent killings wasn't a dig at my accomplishments in the city I would let the gangs rip each other apart you also know more then I do about the Bravta's." The mention of the Bratva made Aranea look to him in surprise. "You think the murders have something to do with them? Bold assumption I know the gang is into many things but going after people you helped seems like a stretch. I will however help you figure out who is behind it. Unless even with my skills you feel you need to find someone different." Aiden thought on things a moment before making a decision. "Gotta admit I won't find anyone as impressive in skills as you in the city. Fine your hired. We will talk more at a less public place. The location will be on your phone soon." With that he raised and was about to move towards door but his gaze lingered on her for a moment. "I actually missed you when I left the gang. You were the only person to keep me sane during that time." Aranea laughed softly. "Yeah, I missed keeping you from getting yourself in a bind. You made it challenging though." "I never said I was an easy person to get to know." He smiled and then moved out of the shop. Aranea just watched him go as she took another drink of her coffee.

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