Sauron and the First Balrog

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In the darkness beyond the walls of Angband, Morgoth stirred. The children of Iluvator had been woken, it was now time to awaken his creations. From the endless pits below the earth a flame ignited and his most powerful child emerged, The First Balrog. From this child many more were to be created, of similar form but none matching in power. Morgoth watched his army grow but feared that with no leader of the Balrogs, the land he wished to rule over might be destroyed. From this problem a new power emerged, not equal to Morgoth but with similar power and traits. Sauron he was named. And lead Morgoth's army he did. For although Morgoth despised Iluvator and his brethren, The Valar, he saw promise in the first children, the elves. Many were true of heart but others craved power and were corrupted by the darkness. Thus came the Orcs. As the darkness (Morgoth), eternal flame (The First Balrog) and the watchful eye (Sauron) made ready to destroy the Valar, the Orcs multiplied to numbers beyond those of the elves but with less skill and more hatred each geneation. Thus the army of Morgoth was suffice for the taking of Middle-earth.

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