Chapter One

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After Dark

AN: Hello! This is the fourth book of the Cold Grey Light of Dawn series! This is officially the longest series I've wrote so far. Still love these two and still keeping when the naming scheme. I don't thing anyone has figured it out yet. I def dont have attatment issues to this series and dftr ;)

Anyways, this one will be a bit heavier than the last two. This will contain rape (not described), death, blood and mentions of past cutting/alcoholism.

Started writing on January 1st 2021

Started editing in March 8th 2021

Matthew quickly covered his side with his wings. The spirit he was fighting rushed at him. He growled hopping into the air to avoid the sudden charge. He twisted as he came back down cutting the woman's shoulder with his wing. She didn't react to the pain. He stepped back making more space between them.

They were in a large abandoned warehouse. The woman, a platinum blond spirit with blue eyes, had attacked while he was helping a soul. He hadn't seen her before, but didn't think she was new. She showed no pain when his attacks landed. The Canadian had no idea what she was the spirit of. The woman had managed to cut him only once, on the thigh. He'd hit her multiple times with his sharp wings and dagger.

Matthew watched the spirit with critical eyes. She bent down and grabbed a long metal pipe from the ground. He had no interest in getting hit by it. She smirked running at him with the pipe raised. The blond stepped around her strike. He made a force field under her feet. She tripped and fell on her face. The spirit growled angrily standing. Her face was scratched and bleeding.

The woman yelled in frustration. She started to advance again. She took a more calculated and slower approach. Matthew jumped out of the way of her first swing with the pipe barely avoiding it. Before she could swing again, he quickly grabbed her arm. He twisted it making her drop the pipe. He grabbed it with his free hand as it fell. The Canadian smirked and swung at her. She didn't react quick enough to avoid it. The pipe struck her side. He could hear the bones crack from the force. The spirit cried out in pain. She stepped back away from him and put her hands in front of her.

"Lorraine!" Matthew's head snapped to the new voice. It was another woman that looked almost identical to the first. "Why'd you piss him off?! Are you nuts!"

The Reaper took a few steps back again. He watched to see what the pair would do. The new spirit was watching him wide eyed. She was tugging on the others arm. He dropped the pipe and it clattered to the ground. He took a step towards them drawing his dagger. They both looked nervous and turned to run. He didn't bother to follow.

Matthew huffed turning away. It had been awhile since a spirit had attacked him. Almost since his eyes had fully healed. He thought they might have learned their lesson. Or they noticed he hung around with the Guardians and no one, other than Pitch, messed with them.

The Reaper grumbled ripping a section off his pant leg to wrap his cut. It wasn't too deep, but he didn't want to leave it to bleed. He looked around making sure the two spirits had actually gone. He didn't want them to disturb the body that had been left in the warehouse. He couldn't see them and started flying for the pole.

On his way, a death flashed across his mind. Matthew sighed sadly altering his course. The soul wasn't too far of a detour. He found them quickly and helped before flying home. He landed and went inside through a window.

Kumakuro was there and waiting. He swore the bear had a sixth sense to know exactly where he was when he was in the pole. The bear was getting old. He had grey around his muzzle and ears. He still acted like a cub, but moved a bit slower.

"Hello, Kuma." The blond hummed petting the bear. Kumakuro noticed the smell of blood on him and immediately started to drag him to the medical wing. He just let him. He would have gone there anyways.

Lizzy, the doctor yeti, looked up and shook her head as soon as the pair entered. She smiled and pat the bed for him to come over. He sighed and did what she asked. The yeti took his makeshift bandage off and shook her head. She started her work cleaning and stitching the wound up.

"Birdie!" He looked and smiled seeing Jack fly in. North and Kumakuro weren't to far behind. The Canadian hadn't noticed the bear had left. "That's a lot of blood! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The Reaper said reassuringly. "It's not bad, I just left it for awhile." He explained. Lizzy asked him why. "Had to help a soul."

Jack sighed relaxing. He hopped up onto the table next to him. Matthew smiled and leaned into his side. The Guardian of fun's arm slipped around his waist.

"Looks like you'll need new pants." North commented leaning against the wall. The Canadian nodded looking down. They were caked in blood.

"Or, you could just cut them and wear them as booty shorts." The winter spirit said with a smirk. Matthew elbowed him in the ribs. "Sorry!" He laughed and the Reaper rolled his eyes. "I'll go get your old clothes."

Jack hopped off the bench and was back a minute later. He had his old robe in hand. Matthew knew he was getting a bit low on clothes, but didn't think he was down to just that.

"I'll have the yetis make a new pair." North smiled brightly noticing Matthew's robe. "They'll be done in no time."

"Thank you." The Canadian smiled appreciatively.

Lizzy finished stitching his wound and carefully put a dressing over it. She warned him to be careful while changing. She didn't want him to mess up her work right after it was done. He nodded and quickly changed. It always felt weird to wear the old robe.

"Maybe you can try some new clothes?" Jack suggested. "You've worn the same thing for over half a century."

"Really?" Matthew laughed. He raised an eyebrow looking him up and down skeptically. "You're still wearing the first hoodie ever made! Don't get me started on the pants."

"Point taken." The Guardian of fun said. He looked over to North who was distracted by Kumakuro. "North! You enable us!"

"Yes, I'm aware." North just smiled. The older Guardian always made them exact replicas of their clothes when they got damaged. "I know what you are getting for Christmas!"

"How long have you worn the same stuff?" Matthew asked.

"Ah, well," The Russian looked guilty. "Since you two were new, at the very least."

"Now we know what to get you for Christmas!" The winter spirit teased. The Reaper tried to hide his laugh.

Christmas was coming up quickly. The couple always partnered up to get the other Guardians something. They been friends for a few decades. It was a struggle to think of something to get them each year. They had no idea how North managed to get the perfect gift every time, he was Santa Clause though.

Matthew still had to get Jack a Christmas present. He had no idea what he was going to get him this year. He always struggled to figure out what to get him for their anniversary, his birthday and Christmas. They were centuries old and getting gifts was a nightmare.

AN: This fic will be updated every Saturday until its done!

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