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Hendery and Yangyang started dating in 7th grade. They were best friends prior since they were babies. Their parents were best of friends so it was like fate for the boys to meet one another. They clicked right from the start and were inseperable since.

By 5th grade Hendery caught feelings for his friend. It was a strange feeling for the boy since he's only ever had crushes on girls in his classes never a boy but now he was feeling different for his best friend so he was obviously terrified of his feelings causing him to ignore the boy he cared so much for. This was not only hurting him but also YangYang who, unknowing to Hendery, has had a crush on his friend since the were younger. It was always upsetting when Hendery would talk about a bunch of girls to him but he always stood quite and helped his friend out with his crushes and now the boy stopped talking to him at all.

It took a few months for the two to talk again. It only happened because Hendery confessed to his parents his feelings for YangYang which they told him that its dumb to ignore someone because of fear of rejection especially when that someone is a person who's always been there for you when you needed it.

By 6th grade YangYang let it slip to his other friends Ten and Kun that he had feelings for the older male. At this point the 2 males made it their mission to get the two together.

By 7th grade YangYang's friends talked to Hendery's friends Lucas and Sicheng who told them Hendery also had feeling for YangYang. The 4 males decided to work together to get Hendery to ask YangYang to the upcoming Winter ball the school was holding.

It took a week or so but the 4 actually managed to get Hendery to ask YangYang to the dance which he obviously said yes to. The two boys had a blast and afterward Hendery had the confidence to ask out his friend. YangYang didn't speak at first which caused Hendery to regret confessing but before he could take back what he said warm lips pressed against his.

Since that day the boys were even more inseparable than before. Finally becoming a couple was the finally piece of the puzzle for the boys but they didn't know what the future held for them and their relationship. That didn't matter to them though they knew they were perfect for one another and didn't worry about breaking up or fighting.

They spent 5 years together. Once Highschool graduation came around they were happier than ever. Both boys had the same dream to become musicians and open up a dance studio together so they had the same dream college which they luckily were both excepted to. Their lives were set well that was until one day after they moved into a shared apartment. It had been 6 years since they stared dating. 6 happy years until this moment. Until this one fight full of jealousy and hate. YangYang found out about Hendery wanting to add someone else to their relationship. YangYang was pissed they were always so happy what changed for Hendery to feel the need to want someone else. Why did you not want YangYang and only YangYang. He has loved Hendery for so long and the thought of Hendery loving someone other than him broke him.

This fight lasted for hours by the end Hendery stormed out but not before ending the relationship for good. Leaving YangYang alone.

And that's how it ended the end of YangYang and Hendery's perfect relationship.

𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕀ℕ𝔼 𝔻𝔸𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 ♧ 𝕏𝕀𝔸𝕆ℍ𝔼ℕ𝕐𝔸ℕ𝔾 ♧Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora