"What in the hay are YOU doin' back here?!"

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The song had ended and so did their day. Although the cowgirl had a lot of emotional soul searching to do after today, she wasn't ready to just fall apart and breakdown on her best friend. The farm girl exhaled sharply as she saw her rainbow headed friend walking in the direction of the exit of the high school when she felt the need to heat something first.

The females were just about to exit the building before Applejack felt the need to stop her athletically toned friend so she could tell her something; although she still had overwhelming feelings in regards to everything that transpired mere seconds before their friends had arrived.

"H-Hey Dash! Wait up!" This raised the attention of the athlete who jolted her head back towards the source of her summon. "Yeah, what's up, Apples?"

That nickname always made the blonde beauty feel at home. Dash had been calling her that ever since the girls met; especially because of how much the nickname bothered the farmer at first. However, AJ quickly caught up to her friend to proceed the conversation she hoped would be short but sweet.

"Ah just wanted to tell ya that-...Ah'm sorry Ah let ya down. Ah know Ah said it already, earlier, but Ah need ya ta know it ain't 'cause Ah wanted ta look good or whatnot. Ah meant it. And ya deserve ta know that ya deserve better than that kinda treatment. An' Ah'm just so sorry, Sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash's face settled to one of legitimate surprise and question in response to the girl who gripped her bags' strap ever so tightly as her nerves kicked in.

The rainbow haired teen saw the insecurity written all over her farm girl friends' face, but couldn't help focus on the words that had just been presented. She felt distraught. 'How could she actually be serious?' She thought. Just then, RD lost control of her words yet again.

"Are you freaking serious right now?" When these words slipped out from the guitar players mouth, the cowgirl felt her gaze slowly rise in response to the surprising response she received in return. But then, the athlete proceeded without hesitation.

"No, for real! Are you freaking serious? AJ! You are not 'letting me down' and never ever have! You never could! Even if you fucking tried! THAT'S how much you save me! You don't let me down! You raise me up! And when I can't rise on my own, you be my legs and yours! You are one of a kind! No one has ever or probably will ever do what you just did for me! You stuck up to people that we both love! But they hurt me so deeply and I never even had to tell you how much they were hurting me! That's how deep our friendship goes! Applejack, I have never ever been so close with someone in my life; let alone with someone I MET! Not just someone I've known my whole life! But someone I MET! And to be 1010% honest; right here, right now, me: Rainbow Dash, am going to take on you: Applejack's Element of Harmony, to tell you that I would never ever in a million years; in this life or the next, have it any other way! We are forever! And I thank my lucky stars every chance I get for getting the worlds best creation to be in my life and the best part of it! So don't you ever think you're letting me down, because that is bullshit!"

Both girls were shocked by the honesty that had just taken place. But, nevertheless, it warmed both of their hearts which caused a quick, big and warm embrace to commence between the two. The cowgirl sniffled but would never admit that she had actual tears on the rise. But the fact that both girls knew, was enough said.

Once they parted the hug, the cowgirl had semi red puffy eyes due to the cry that was just had. But the athlete gave a sweet smile to her western friend, wiped beneath her eyes to rid any drops of tears left, and made a cute suggestion. "What do ya say, you and I get outta here and go get a milkshake?"

This automatically brought a smile to the blonde females face as she lit up to the mere thought of it. So, of course, she gave a small nod and followed it up by "Ah'd like that. Ah'd like that very much." And like that the two headed out together and drove all the way to Mrs. Cakes for a milkshake to share.

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