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Somewhere at Revage City Bruce was tied up to a chair.

Toddler: Wakey Wakey Brucie pant...

Bruce sees the Toddler.

Bruce: Who are you?

Toddler: The Toddler...Hi...

Bruce: You..You put these bombs at the kids school buses. Why?

Toddler: For a joke..

Bruce: You freak...You're insane!

Toddler had a smile on his face. When his smile got bigger, a bleed came out of the scar that is a smile.Then bleed came from the side of his eyeball.


Jerome looks at him in fear.

Jerome: What..Are..You?

Toddler: I'm something that is reborn..I'm something that got created.

Bruce: So what's your plan?

Toddler: There is a plan..But It's not mine..

Bruce: You're Mad!

Toddler: You're just getting that now?

Bruce: What are you going to do to me?

Toddler: Everything...

Few Hours later Red Devil and James found the hideout called The Freaks circus.

They see Bruce tied up betting.

James: Bruce..You..Ok?

Bruce looks afraid.

Red devil takes his mask off.

Jace: Bruce?...Bruce it's us...Remember....

Bruce looks at them and Yakko hugs Bruce.

Jace: I never told you this..I knew My father...And he never was there for me or James or Mia..You're not my father..You're my Dad...

Up stairs the UInkowner watching them..

Back at the apartment Jace and James were talking to Bruce.

Jace: What happened Bruce...

Bruce: That clown Toddler and Unknowner kidnapped me and The Toddler betting me.

James: What did he say?

Bruce: He said he was reborn and..He something that wants the world to burn and..Worse.

Jace: What is it?

Bruce: A Toddler's War...

Jace: James calls Jerome and takes Bruce back to the police station.

James Brings Bruce home.

Jace Alone at his apartment thinking. He grabs his violin and plays it to think.

He plays it Unknowner Down stairs walking up.

Jace stops playing and Unkowner stops walking up.

Jace went back playing it and Unknowner walked back up.

Jace plays the violin and stops.

Jace: You know normal people knock...But you're not normal..

Jace turns around and sees the Unknowner.

Unknowner: What am I to you?

Jace: A snake...A possession spider..A killer that thinks He can get away with it..I know You Know who I am..But the question is..Who are you? And Why are you doing this?..Tea?...

Unkowner: Yes please..

Jace points at a seat in front of his chair but Unknowner sits at Jace's chair.

Unknowner: You see Red Devil I didn't tell anyone else about you...I didn't Tell toddler..Or the maniacs.

Jace: I know what really happened to my sister..After that river she fell to...The maniacs killed her at the same spot where the rock hit her head...

Unknowner: But there was someone else there...You..I saw you jumped in the water and failed to save her...

Jace: It wasn't like that?

Unkowner: You snapped at her...So what else can I say..You're worse than me..

Jace looks at the Unknowner.

Unkowner: And now Red Devil...I'm Going to burn you..Today isn't the day...But will come..

Jace: I will stop you..

Unknowner gets up and walks out the door.

Unknowner: You can try...But I know you more than anyone else..

Unknowner leaves the Apartment.

Red Devil: The Way Of Toddler's crazy  Game!Where stories live. Discover now