Chapter One

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   The lights are so bright,it burns your heart is pounding you want to leave. Home. That's where you want to be. Home away from here,you're so tired.

Walking on stage with a sigh you grip the microphone tightly trying to ground yourself,looking out into the crowd at all the screaming people always overwhelmed you so you stared straight ahead at the wall. You still couldn't get why people actually enjoyed this,even if it was your anxiety talking there was still so many dark sides to this business. It made you sick to your stomach when people openly lie about how wonderful it was and easy. Your mind still wondered away thinking about random things,mostly things you needed to do after this performance and your distaste for performing,just wishing get it over with. Once you had gone through liquid smooth and wife you paused letting your self proclaimed fans applaud you for your performance,you gave a simple thank you and further expressed your gratitude for their support,never looking any of them in the eye and just as quickly as you stated the thanks you left. Grumbling you ripped off your fake lashes while walking to your dressing room,behind you,your personal bodyguard and casual friend followed.

   You sat down in front of your mirror wiping off your makeup and taking off all the fancy jewelry that you didn't want to get damaged.

  "You seem to be in a worse mood then usual tonight,is the tour stressing you out that much?" You bodyguard asked.

   "I hate performing you know that,this should be normal to you by now." You replied,getting up and walking to rack with many clothes on it.

   "I think something else is bothering you though,care to share?"

  You took off a pink dress that had been inspired by american actress from the 60s it was classy enough for the place you were heading. Ignoring your bodyguards question and concerns you went to bathroom connected to the room and got dressed. You honestly found it pointless to redress but you knew your manager would throw a fit if you didn't.

     Okay this had all been a terrible idea, you weren't sure if it was due to the anxiety from the performance earlier, your distaste and discomfort at the gathering or if it was because you forgot to take your meds, but you had finally became a nervous wreck to the point of becoming sick. Regret knotted in your stomach as you rushed outside the building to at least vomit over the porch railing and not the floor since it was closer then the bathrooms, and you had almost been too late. I don't think it can get any worse than this you thought
         "Oh! Hi there! Uhhh are you okay?" Asked a high pitched voice behind you. Fucking jinxed it. You heard foot steps behind you getting closer and you slowly died inside with each step. The whole ordeal was bad enough you didn't want to have to deal with people right now, let alone the types that were able to get invited to a place like this. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a hand touch your shoulder, "Did you drink too much? I can get my driver to drive you home I'm probably going to stay a long time so it won't be a big deal." The person said. You finally got the guts to turn and look at them, they were very feminine presenting with long blonde hair with two half up pigtails, they seemed to have a goth type fashion, with dark, slightly exaderated, eye makeup coating the top of their brown eyes, and a frilly black top with a a even more frilly black skirt that seemed to have something poofy underneath. Overall they were absolutely gorgeous and you didn't know if it was a curse that their first impression of you is you getting sick a party or if it's a blessing that someone this pretty is talking to you in the first place. "Uh no that won't be necessary, I actually didn't drink anything..for once.." you finally replied after the long pause. The person looked at you quizzically and with a half concerned look, they softly started rubbing your shoulder in a soothing way. "Aww well you should be getting home anyway so you should rest! Why would you come if you were sick in the first place you look like a complete wreck now!?" They exclaimed. You couldn't help but laugh a little at their antics. "I'll take your advice, you go and enjoy yourself now no need to be getting wount up I'll be fine." They blush a bit in embarrassment "Well- Well promise you'll head strait home then I will." You give a small smile. "I promise, now go please." They nodded and give a quite 'bye' then headed inside. You took a seat on the huge steps outside the building and pulled out your cigarettes. You'll keep your promise after your nerves calmed a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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