Act 9-Dreams Come True

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As the girls were now used to being Moon Guardians, they saw their other friends and noticed that Mugen Academy was going to have Serenity perform a song, and her teammates were going to be either a race car driver, a violinist, or even a a scientist of astronomy and astrology.
"You girls can be anything," said Serenity. "I believe in all of you as much as I believe in myself and I know that you put faith in me." They went to the stage where she was going to perform and started singing her original song. Everyone was impressed with the song and they all smiled. Minako was also happy since she liked singing as well, and cheered for Serenity with the others. As the song was finished, Hotaru's dad came up to her and asked what the song was about.
"It was about everyone's dreams," Serenity said. "And I want to be able to help out by singing about everything that I stand for since I don't think that dreams should be crushed." Usagi and the others nodded in agreement with what was said and smiled, since she knew that she was right.

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