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Reminder: Please remember that this is all fiction and none of this is connected to the boys. I am not sending any hate to TXT or any idol that is mentioned in this story.


"Beomgyu!" Ryujin said while running to him.

"Woah there chill, I don't have to go anywhere today"......." Apparently no you will have to go somewhere today," Ryujin said panting.

Beomgyu let out a sigh "You can put make-up on me later, Go get some rest you look like you ran a mile"....." News flash idiot, I did" Beomgyu stopped chuckling and looked at her shocked.

"Wha- HOW"

"I was downstairs with Yuna, Helping her with homework then suddenly one of the maids told me to get you ready because you and your parents need to go somewhere for the announcement and you have to be there asap" Ryujin rapped.

"Could you have just walked here? I can dress up fast you know"......"I don't really plan to hear a scolding today" Beomgyu then let out an 'oh' realizing why.

'The announcement is near already.....' He thought to himself a little scared since he is finally getting revealed to the public.

"Alright Ryu, Go catch your breath and I'll change" Ryujin nodded and went over to the couch to calm down and Beomgyu went into his closet.

He roamed around his closet to look for an outfit and  after a few minutes, he finally found an outfit. It was a plain white shirt with black ripped jeans with a pair of black boots. Too casual for a prince but since its just a visit to see if he likes the place and the design.

Ryujin was there, with some medicine and make-up. His bruises were not too bad but it was still noticeable.

(If this is your first time reading, In school Beomgyu is a victim of bullying because he doesn't talk and stays alone most of the time)

"Alright looks like the bruise on your left check is kinda healing and the scar on your nose is not that noticeable anymore" She said while putting a ointment for it to not hurt and a little foundation to the side of his check to cover the purplish bruise on it.

"Thank god, Teachers almost noticed it yesterday"......"Did they question you tho?"......"They just looked at me and dropped it" Ryujin hummed while spreading the makeup around his face.

"Alright your done, Let's get going" Beomgyu nodded while standing up and fixing his hair.

"Beomgyu!" His Mom, Jisso called out for him while he was walking to the car.

"Mother, Father" He bowed respectfully at them.

"Ah my little bear is finally being announced to the public, I'm excited!" Jisso said with an excited tone.

"Let's get going now? We don't want to be late" Seojun, His father said and both of them agreed.

Beomgyu went inside the car and looked outside the window and saw Ryujin waving at him. He waved back and the car left.

if you were wondering No, Beomgyu and Ryujin are not dating they're just really close with each other to the point the two act like siblings.

They meet when Queen Jisso and King Seojun when the two found her at an alleyway with her sister, Shin Yuna. Apparently, they ran away from their home because of domestic abuse, and ever since then she and Beomgyu became close.

+They met when Ryujin was 13 and Yuna was 11+

Even to this day Beomgyu still remember the first time they met, If that never happened, it's like his life won't have color in it.

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