Episode Two

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Princess Allatou opened her eyes, tears fell down her cheeks, each falling with a sad past behind them. The Princess rubbed her eyes, her vision became blurry but instantly adjusted to the light of the shining flame called The Sun. She sat up questioning where she was. She heard the birds singing and the leaves rustling in the loud morning wind. She then heard a noise coming outside to what looked like she was on some kind of tent. The zippers of the tent swung opened and there was a guy who looks about her age. She stood up quickly, startled by the sudden appearance.

"Your awake, good. Can you speak?" He said while biting a juicy apple. "Can you hear me?", he waved his hand in front of her view. She didn't know if she could trust this young man so she kept her mouth shut and nodded in response. "Ah, so you can hear? That's a start at least.", Allatou slowly sat back down but still had her weariness high. "So first off, what's your name?", he asked. "Oh, wait here." Allatou sat there and looked around, the tent was filled with nothing but a little table and a cup. The mystery young man came back with a notebook and pencil. She took them both but looked oddly confused as to what to do with it. The mystery young man titled his head in confusion,"Whas wrong? Do you not know on how to write?", he then grabbed the pencil and began explaining. "Write Your name for instance, my name is Yajir Jaxon. What's yours?", the princess proceeded to humor this man so she wrote out her false name. She didn't want to tell him her real name, it would probably become a problem if she had wrote it down. 'A problem?' She thought, 'why would it be a problem to write down my name? Who am I?'. She wrote down "Lia", Jaxon nodded and said her name. "Do you remember who you are?" he asked hoping to get an answer. The word Sava ringed in her thoughts and all she could remember was her name. She nodded as to say no, Jaxon finished his apple and stood up. "I guess I can fill you in on where I found you.."
How was this episode? Good or dog water? (I don't know why people say dog water as to say your bad but someone please fill me in on why dog water is bad?)

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