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Tuesday , 6 March, 9 years old.

It's raining. It's always raining these days..and more bad things happen..

My daddy left. And when I say he left , I don't mean he went to the store ,he left us! Mommy cried all day locked in her room while me and my brother were in our room thinking about him. For some reason I was the only one not missing him..Not that he was bad father or anything! We just didn't have the right connection..

The others were so sad that it was pain to see them like this. The storm outside was becoming louder and the paper in the kitchen was still on the table ripped in half with just one word written with black pen..

"S A Y O N A R A"

It's the rain's fault..

雨 / Ame - short sad story about KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now