Part 31&32 - Do you want me to move out?

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A few weeks have posted and you're back at work.

Alex: "how's living with Robbins going?"

You: "yeah it's been really good, it's been nice getting to know Sofia too. But am I meant to move out now? Arizona said until I'm better and well now I'm back at work am I meant to just move out now?"

Alex: "well do you want to stay? If you do, talk to her"

You: "oh god, yeah I'll have too. Got to go, got surgery with Arizona"

Arizona: "hey, you ready?"

You: "yeah let's go"

You both scrub in and get in there.

You: "can I talk to you about something?"

Arizona: "yeah sure, what is it?"

You: "do you want me to move out?"

Arizona: "why would I want that?"

You: "you said I could stay with you until I'm better, and well now I'm better and back at work, so I didn't know if you wanted me to leave now?"

Arizona: "of course I don't want you to leave. Unless you want to leave?"

You: "no I don't want to leave"
You blush.

Arizona: "okay then"
She giggles.

You finish surgery and go to the cafeteria to get food with Arizona.

Arizona: "so do you want to move all your stuff in?"

You: "oh umm yeah I could do that. What about my house?"

Arizona: "well if you're going to be moving all your stuff and yourself in with me then you're not going to need it anymore. Sell it?"

You: "so we're actually going to be loving together?"

Arizona: "yeah" she giggles

You: "okay, I'm excited"

April: "hey you two, what's going on?"

Arizona: "oh hey, Y/N is going to move in with me, well like officially, she's going to sell her house"

She smiles so hard and holds your hand.

April: "no way, we should double date sometime!?"

Arizona: "oh yeah, we could do"

April: "okay great, let me know when's good for you, I've got to run"
April leaves

Arizona: "Y/N we don't have to if you don't want to"

You: "no it's fine. They're your friends, I don't mind"

Arizona: "okay well I'll speak to her about it later. We better go. I can't believe you're on trauma tomorrow, I'm going to miss you"

You: "it's just a day! I'll be back" you laugh.

Arizona: "I know but I love being around you".
She blushes and kisses you on the cheek.

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