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"Cas! Cas No! CAS COME BACK! No Cas DAMMIT… I love you too," And that's when Dean woke up from his nightmare filled sleep. 

After the first week of Castiel being gone all he could think about was how the angel was then from him- about how long the angel had loved him- about how long ago the angel had made the deal. 

Then his nightmares changed. He was no longer dreaming about just the night in the dungeon but other plaguing ways that the angel could have been taken from him. 

Well in other terms killed. 

Every night Dean would scream almost the exact same thing. Begging for Castiel not to leave him or begging someone to stop. 

And everytime he couldn't stop them. After all when Dean Winchester begs it's as a last resort. 

He found begging to be weak. 

He was weak. 

Every time Dean Woods never got a chance to say that he loved Castiel as well. 

Up until now that is. 

Dean never thought that he could feel worse and here he was in bed in the middle of the night sobbing in the dark. Though he was happy to be in the dark where something could easily kill him and no one could see his pain.

"He loved me, Sam. He told me he loved me and I just stood there. I didn't think he'd leave me- that the stupid son of a bitch would…" Dean broke down at that part letting out a sob as Sam went to say something Dean held his hand up and shook his head squeezing his eyes shut and taking in a deep breath. "I didn't think that he would sacrifice himself… Now he's gone, he left thinking that I didn't feel the same way. He… He'll never know that I love him too,"

By now Dean was about to collapse as Sam quickly moved in one swift motion and hugged his brother tightly. "He's gone Sam! And there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it! I TRIED EVERYTHING! I don't know how to bring him back… I just want him back Sammy… I need him back,"

Sam tried to hold in his cry however at the sight of how broken Dean was he let out a sob pulling his brother closer as if trying to shield him from the world around them. 

"We'll find a way," Sam reassured, causing Dean to shake his head. 

"There's nothing,"

"What happened to there always being a way?" Sam questioned, causing Dean to sigh, running a hand down his face. 

"I'm tired Sammy,"

"There's a way and we're going to find it," And it hadn't been until three days later that Dean finally began to believe his brother. 

"Cas… I'm going to see Cas again!" Suddenly Dean was jumping up and down in excitement leaping into his brother's arms and smiling from ear to ear.

"Calm down Dean we have to make sure we do this right first," Sam mumbled through a laugh.

"This is a simple spell the two of you have done much worse," Jack shrugged, placing a bunch of ingredients on the table. "Plus I've managed to get everything that you-"

"Jack you're awesome," Dean cut God off through a grin, bouncing up and down.

That's when the spell was being completed, and then things began to happen. 

"Hello Dean,"

"You stupid son of a bitch!" Suddenly Dean was walking quickly toward the angel pressing his lips firmly against the trench coated mans. 

He didn't care that his brother or literal God was watching all that he cared about was the fact that his angel was back and he was his. 

"Dean," Castiel whispered, shocked against the hunter's lips. 

"I love you, you stupid son of a bitch don't ever do that to me again,"

"I won't… But how?"

"Maybe good things do happen in the end," And that's when the angel collapsed in Dean's arms. 

It was nice for the angel to finally be home, everything was finally in place. 

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