Part one head canon

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Head Canon's part one

Langa will have taught reiki a little bit of English since he came from Canada. Only certain words like basic " hello, nice to meet you" and " how are you doing today" . But he also taught him words like " I love you " and " You are so beautiful " and such .( They my be dating at this time or just trying to hide that they are dating).

So when they are around people or even by them self's , Langa will sometimes say "I love you Reki " and " You are my world " and only Reki will understand what he is saying.

Sometimes maybe Reki will do it as well and say to Langa "Love you Langa"  and other things he was taught.

It's just something sweet they do to remind each other that they love them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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