Introduction: Dreamonhydrinate

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A leaking faucet, water that never feels warm enough to the touch.  The corrosion forming at the base of this old clawfoot bath tub.  I hear the soft plop of water slow down to the beat of my heart.





There's times I wonder if my heart stopped would the tap right itself? I wonder if the green fissure on the dated brass that adorned this condo would someday consume each man made structure.  I wonder if I inched close enough to the water, would I still see myself in the present, or would I be met with the gaze of another? Shit, did I just see a person a second ago?

Or, did I add too much Gravol to my concoction?

I looked as far as my eyes could shift to the left, and sure enough there were moving shadows in my peripheral to the right.

Fuck, I'm hallucinating again.  I heaved in and rubbed my eyes, careless to see all of the suds and wet tendrils of hair falling over my face.

Ill be the first to admit that since Mestopharm has been working my team into overdrive, I've simulated my downtime with more over the counter elixirs than usual.  But we are on the edge of discovery, and I'll be damned if some company swipes the credit from us.  I've spent nearly two years developing an early intervention vaccine for breast cancer, and in the past six months I've been the team lead paving the way for peer review, costs, and FDA testing.  It's a huge undertaking, one that has separated me from my family for eight years.  Sure, there are times it gets lonely, it's hard not to when you lived in a family of over 800 in a pack.  I was never a ranked wolf at Blood Moon, but I know there is some alpha genetics in my ancestry.  It's recessive, but it's absolutely there.  There are times I've missed it and I've been missed, but I know my place, and it's right here in the Metropolis.

I lifted my hands to inspect them.  As I suspected, they were trembling. There's nothing wrong with peppering in some codeine and dimenhydrinate here and there, especially when your body doesn't know when to slow down and you share your thoughts with a hyper functioning wolf.  The silence is simply bliss just before bed. 

I used an empty cup I had left on the side of the tub from yesterdays concoction to rinse my hair, I was unsure of how safe it was right now to submerge myself and come back up that quickly.  Once everything was rinsed and cleaned, I tugged the plug out from the base and pushed myself out of the water.  I maintained a snails pace, careful to reassure myself of what images were real and which ones weren't.  I brushed my teeth at a snails pace and managed to find a towel on the floor.  I took staggered footfalls towards my bedroom, and as I rounded the corner, my hip collided with the kitchen counter, spilling a week's worth of mail over the floor.  For the past two days, I had walked by my kitchen and each time I glazed over the letters, I would get a wash of restlessness encompassing my brain.  I knew it was Grace, the absolute curse of a wolf the Moon Goddess had gifted me with.  I huffed and continued onto bed, pushing Grace's frustrated pleas aside and swiping a new cup of water that I had left on that same counter.  It was 2:00AM and morning was coming faster than my brain could comprehend.  As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was down for the count.

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