Chapter 1

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I sat next to master as he slept, drawing his sleeping form in my sketch book.

I smiled and played with the collar around my neck, I wonder when master would wake up, he always slept after the other wolves left.

"Lyndon." Masters deep voice sounded throughout the room.

I quickly whipped around to look at him, smiling widely. "Master! Look! I drew you!" I showed him the drawing I just finished, waiting eagerly for his reaction.

He smiled at me gently, ruffling my hair. "It's very good Lyndon, did you finish all your chores?" I nodded, ripping the drawing out of my sketch book.

"Master, may I hang this on the wall?"

He nodded, pulling some clothe on. "Of course you can. Just come downstairs for breakfast okay?" I nodded, already grabbing tape to hang it up.

"Yes master!" I smiled at him and he smiled back, disappearing out of the room.

Once it was tapped up on the wall I fixed my hair up the way master likes it, it's naturally curly so I had to straighten it.

I was only allowed to wear a shirt, one that he gave me and it was usually big enough to cover up my private parts, which I was grateful for.

When I entered the kitchen master motioned me over, telling me to sit in his lap.

I smiled up at him, "master what're we having for breakfast?"

He smiled and wrapped his big arms around my waist. "Bacon...eggs...and some toast.." He smiled, rubbing small circles on my waist with his thumbs.

"Tell me a poem..." He whispered against my ear, making me shiver.

I smiled and looked up at him, "a poem about what?"

He thought about it for a moment, "about eyes....I love eyes, especially yours.." He whispered again.

I nodded and thought about what to say for a few moments before he tightened his grip on my waist, "I'm getting impatient pet."

"Drowning my heart with his eyes, conjuring passion that never dies, so irresistible the pair of green, engraved on my mind a
beautiful scene, bright, serene and filled with mystery, amazing how it sparks the
chemistry, merely gazing at them makes me cheer, gives me hope and sets my mind clear, brilliance glaring from the mellow iris, looking through them is truly a bliss." I muttered quietly.

He chuckled, kissing my head. "That didn't rhyme in the end." He growled before pushing me off his lap roughly.

I whimpered and looked up at him. "M-master..." He glared at me, kicking my side.

I bit my lip to hold back a cry knowing that he liked when you showed made noise.


"But...but it did rhyme.." I whispered, instantly regretting it when he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"You get no food today and you have extra chores, you will be sleeping in the cage tonight. Got it you little whore?" He growled out.

I nodded and crawled away to do the chores he assigned to me.

I don't like making master angry...

Later that night I was thrown into the cage in the corner of masters room. I shifted into my wolf form to stay warmer.

I listened to master snore quietly, letting the sound soothe me.

My thoughts drifted back to the wolf I met two years ago, the way he made me feel safe.

He smelled so good, like strawberries and roses. It was a delicious combination.

My wolf just wanted to climb into his lap and rub myself all over him. I don't understand why but my wolf just said it was the right thing to do.

When master came back for me, I was scared of leaving the beautiful black wolf, but if I had stayed master would've killed me.

I started to drift off to sleep slowly, my last thoughts:

"I hope I get to see the beautiful man again.."


It's been two years.

Two years without my mate.

Two years since I became alpha.

Two years since I've made this pack ruthless.

"Alpha." One of my pack members said.

"What?" I snapped.

"We think we may know who took your mate.."

My head snapped up from my desk, eyeing the wolf carefully.



I stood up from my chair, knocking it backwards.

"The mafia leader?"

The wolf nodded, looking anywhere but me.

"He's basically impossible to find!" I growled, pacing around my office.

The wolf nodded, "yes he is sir...but he's looking for you."

I looked at him again, "why? Why would he be looking for me?"

"You're a pure alpha, you'll be a valuable asset to his collection of rare wolves."

I nodded thoughtfully. "Is that why he has Lyndon?"

The wolf nodded slightly, "yes most likely..we came up with a plan that might work...we could hit two ducks with one bullet."

I frowned at the metaphor, thinking it over before nodding.

"Yes, we could take down Remo..and get my mate back." I smiled happily.

The wolf nodded, smiling back at me. Probably happy that I was finally getting it.

"So....tell me this plan of yours.."


A/N: cliffhanger ;) haha so I'm posting the prologue and chapter 1 and that'll be it, so don't expect an update for a bit. I might be nice and post chapter 2 but I gotta work on my other stories! Please leave a vote, comment, and maybe fan?

Till next time lovelies~

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